Feel free to listen to our previously aired programs, and please share with anyone you may know who could benefit from the information, education, and resources provided on this program. Enjoy!
All nationally syndicated radio broadcasts are converted to podcasts immediately after airing. Unless noted as Kansas City specific, all programs are national broadcasts. Kansas City broadcasts are also available via podcast.
March 8, 2025
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, answers questions from the listening audience, then opens the firehose of information AGAIN to review how to pay for the high cost of senior care. Topics include Medicare, Medicaid, Long Term Care Insurance, and the VA Aid and Attendance Benefit! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Franchise #SeniorCareFranchise #Fiduciary
March 1, 2025
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, opens the firehose of information and reviews when to consider moving from home to a senior care community and what to determine BEFORE beginning your search. Then Steve reviews the primary levels of care, their average monthly costs, and defines the often-misused term “memory care”. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Franchise #SeniorCareFranchise #Fiduciary
February 22, 2025
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Bruce Glenn, Senior Wealth Manager and President of Rally Wealth and Benefits about 529 plans addressing contribution limits, what happens if your student does not use the fund for college, and if grandparents can contribute to a 529 plan for their grandchildren. Bruce also reviews some common mistakes made by investors including getting a late start to investing, annuities, captive vs. independent agents, ETFs vs MFs, investing in only one fund, and not updating beneficiary designations. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Franchise #SeniorCareFranchise #Fiduciary #WealthManagement
February 15, 2025
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Ben Souchek, owner of Home Downsizing Solutions, about how HDS was able to help several recent clients. Then, Steve speaks with Richard Wexler, CEO of Aplan2Age.Org, a foundation with the goal of educating and preparing caregivers for the road ahead. Don’t miss the Consumer Alert! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Franchise #SeniorCareFranchise
February 8, 2025
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, answers the important question of when to consider moving from home to a senior care community. Then, Steve reviews how to maximize your care at any community you choose. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Franchise #SeniorCareFranchise
February 1, 2025
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, shares the top 10 reasons you could receive an unwanted discharge from the assisted living level of care and how to avoid this altogether. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Franchise #SeniorCareFranchise #AssistedLiving
January 25, 2025
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Bruce Glenn, Senior Wealth Manager and President of Rally Wealth and Benefits. Bruce discusses annuities, reviews the different types of annuities, and explains when it is appropriate to consider buying an annuity as part of your investment strategy. Then, Steve visits with Robbie Small from Caring Connections. Robbie introduces the company, reviews their services offered, and explains how they can help clients remain independent at home with meaningful companionship and relationships. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Franchise #SeniorCareFranchise #Annuity #Companionship #Homecare
January 18, 2021: 600th Episode
MILESTONE ALERT! Listen in to the milestone 600th episode of Senior Care Live as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Ben Souchek, President of Home Downsizing Solutions. They review Ben’s FREE resource, the “Stress Free Home Downsizing Workbook: a Senior’s Guide to Selling Your House and Simplifying Your Life”. To get your FREE copy, visit HomeDownsizingSolutions.com/Workbook. Then, Steve reviews the average monthly cost of care available in senior care communities. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Franchise #SeniorCareFranchise
January 11, 2025: National Broadcast
National Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Mark Squires “The Medicare Whisperer” about the Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period. Don’t miss the Consumer Alert about aggressive marketing tactics from offshore call centers! Also, learn about the little-known Medicare Advantage “Free Look Rule” and what to do if you’ve discovered your Medicare Advantage Plan ended on 12/31/24. Then, Steve reviews what to determine BEFORE beginning your search for a senior care community. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Franchise #SeniorCareFranchise #Medicare #Advantage
January 11, 2025: Kansas City Broadcast
KC Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Mark Squires “The Medicare Whisperer” about the Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period. Don’t miss the Consumer Alert about aggressive marketing tactics from off-shore call centers! Learn about the little known Medicare Advantage “Free Look Rule” and what to do if you’ve discovered your Medicare Advantage Plan ended on 12/31/24. Then, Steve visits with David Wiley, President and CEO of Kansas City Hospice and Palliative Care and Heather Murphy, Director of Quality and Regulatory Compliance with KCHPC. They discuss the impact former President Jimmy Carter had on hospice care, referred to as “The Carter Effect”. David discusses some distinct differences between non-profit and for-profit hospice providers and Heather shares some impressive statistics from a recent NPHI study showing how much more care patients receive from non-profit hospice providers over for-profit providers. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Franchise #SeniorCareFranchise #Medicare #Advantage #Hospice #Palliative #Care
January 4, 2025
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, wishes everyone a Happy New Year and reviews the next steps to take when realizing a loved one needs care. Steve discusses solutions to remaining independent at home including homecare services, bringing in home equipment, installing a stair lift if needed, and their associated costs. Then Steve discusses what to determine before searching for a senior care community. Steve also reviews some specific examples of how Senior Care Consulting has worked with recent clients when needing to move from an assisted living community to long term care and explains what a “spend down” is and how you can use those funds. Did you know that part of the spend down can be used to pay for the services of Senior Care Consulting? #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Franchise #SeniorCareFranchise
December 28, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, wraps up the year by reviewing how to pay for the high cost of senior care. Then, Steve shares a few stories from working with Senior Care Consulting clients and signs off for 2024! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Franchise #SeniorCareFranchise
December 21, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Ben Souchek from Home Downsizing Solutions. Ben reviews the many FREE resources available at HomeDownsizing.com and his new FREE stress-free home downsizing workbook that can help with the downsizing process as well as the 5 different options available from HDS when selling your house. Then, Steve visits with Bruce Glenn, Senior Wealth Manager and President of Rally Wealth and Benefits. Bruce has an end of the year wrap up for 2024 relative to the markets, inflation, interest rates and other financial factors. Then, Bruce looks ahead to 2025 with potential economic conditions and challenges we may see. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Franchise #SeniorCareFranchise #FinancialAdvisor #Fiduciary #Downsize
December 14, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Mark Squires, The Medicare Whisperer. Mark has a wrap-up of the 2024 Annual Election Period and discusses the 2025 Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment period that is January 1 through March 31, 2025. Don’t miss the Consumer Alert regarding Open Enrollment and the Senior Care In The News report about Denied Patient Access to Post-Acute Care. Learn what you can do to protect yourself proactively from potential denied access to care and denied claims. Steve reviews the primary levels of care available at Senior Care Communities and their associated monthly costs. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Franchise #SeniorCareFranchise #Medicare #MedicareAdvantage
December 7, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, discusses the seasonal demand for all types of senior care. Spoiler alert: we’re just about to reach the peak demand of the entire year! Pro tip: the best places already have a waiting list even before we reach peak demand, so do not delay, ACT NOW! By delaying your search, you may not be able to get into your chosen community or it will make your wait for that place much longer. Steve reviews when to consider moving from home to a senior care community and what you must determine BEFORE beginning your search. Then, Steve discusses how his firm Senior Care Consulting can help you find the best place available by searching proactively, then managing the waiting list and comfortably moving when the time is right for you. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Franchise #SeniorCareFranchise
November 30, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, reveals the truth about free referral services and explains why these services are not free at all. Don’t miss the Consumer Alert with real-time Better Business Bureau information about a free referral service. Steve shares stories of how they are now “saying the quiet part out loud” and even fighting over who gets the kickback! Then, Steve shares tangible proof of the amount of commission the free referral services receive. Steve also discusses a much better option available for families searching for a senior care community, a placement service with integrity. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Franchise #SeniorCareFranchise
November 23, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Bruce Glenn, Senior Wealth Manager and President of Rally Wealth and Benefits. Bruce discusses several important financial considerations to be aware of as we approach the end of the year and offers a FREE FINANCIAL REVIEW using their powerful financial modeling software. Don’t miss the Senior Care In The News segment! Then Steve discusses the seasonal demand for senior care! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Franchise #SeniorCareFranchise #FinancialAdvisor #Fiduciary
November 16, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Ben Souchek from Home Downsizing Solutions. Ben reviews the multiple solutions available when selling your house and explains the value of assembling a team of local providers when selling your house to downsize or move to a care community. Steve addresses his most frequently asked question “when is the right time to consider moving from home to a senior care community?”. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Franchise #SeniorCareFranchise
November 9, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Mark Squires, The Medicare Whisperer. Mark reminds everyone there is still time to review your Medicare coverage but the last day of the Medicare Annual Election Period (AEP) is December 7, 2024, act NOW! Mark discusses the data breach of 2023 that caused Medicare to issue 1,000,000 new Medicare cards with new ID numbers. Beware of scammers calling wanting you to verify your Medicare number! Don’t miss the Consumer Alert about pharmaceutical companies tightening the qualifications for their Patient Assistance for Prescription Drugs programs. Mark also shares information on a little known Low Income Subsidy program that could save you thousands of dollars on your prescription drugs! Steve reviews the VA Aid and Attendance Benefit that helps veterans and their surviving spouses pay for the high cost of senior care! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Franchise #SeniorCareFranchise #Medicare #MedicareAdvantage
November 2, 2024: National Broadcast
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, explains the purpose of doing a “division of assets” when qualifying for Medicaid and addresses what happens to the income of the spouse needing care. Don’t miss the Consumer Alert regarding the “free” referral services and the inherent conflict of interest in their business model. Spoiler alert: now they’re fighting over who gets the $5,000 kickback! Then, Steve compares and contrasts these services with Senior Care Consulting “a placement service with integrity”. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Franchise #SeniorCareFranchise #Medicaid
November 2, 2024: Kansas City Broadcast
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with David Wiley, President and CEO of Kansas City Hospice and Palliative Care, and Denyse Hite, Director of Inpatient Services, with KCHPC. David shares that November is National Hospice and Palliative Care Month and explains the importance of this special month. David also shares some of the significant differences between for-profit and non-profit Hospice providers. Denyse discusses the difference between Hospice and Palliative Care and explains where hospice care is provided. Steve has a Consumer Alert regarding the “free” referral services and the inherent conflict of interest in their business model. Then, Steve compares and contrasts these services with Senior Care Consulting “a placement service with integrity”. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Franchise #SeniorCareFranchise #Hospice #PalliativeCare
October 26, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Bruce Glenn, Senior Wealth Manager and President of Rally Wealth and Benefits. Bruce discusses a number of topics including Social Security, Medicare, and beneficiary designations. He also shares some surprising information on how Presidential elections affect the markets. Steve explains why it is important to have an annual Medicare review with your broker, reviews what Medicare will pay for relative to skilled nursing and rehab, and has a warning about how some Advantage plans fall short in this area. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Franchise #SeniorCareFranchise #WealthManagement #Medicare #Advantage
October 19
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Ben Souchek, owner of Home Downsizing Solutions, about the “catch 22” of selling your house and moving to a senior living community. Ben also discusses the Home Downsizing’s 6-month plan as explained on page 180 of Ben’s new book “Stress Free Home Downsizing” a senior’s guide to selling your house and simplifying your life. Steve reviews what to determine BEFORE beginning your search for a senior care community! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Franchise #SeniorCareFranchise #Medicare #Advantage
October 12, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Mark Squires, The Medicare Whisperer. The Medicare annual election period (AEP) is upon us, beginning October 15th and ending December 7th. NOW is the time to schedule a review of your Medicare coverage, as this year, it’s more important than ever before. How did the “Inflation Reduction Act” impact your Medicare coverage? Listen in to find out! Mark has a Consumer Alert regarding major changes in Medicare part D drug coverage and Advantage plans. Steve reviews when to consider moving from home to a senior care community. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Franchise #SeniorCareFranchise #Medicare #Advantage
October 5, 2024: National Broadcast
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Mark Squires, The Medicare Whisperer. Mark discusses more turmoil in the Medicare Advantage world as a large insurance provider will no longer be contracting with a large medical provider/system. What does that mean to you? IF you have one of those plans, you may not be able to see your physician or go to your preferred hospital! Another large Part D Insurer announced they are no longer working in the brokerage channel. This means a Medicare broker cannot assist in an enrollment and can provide no service work throughout the year for the plan member. The Annual Election Period (AEP) is from October 15th to December 7th. This is your opportunity to make changes, if needed, to your Medicare plans for 2025. Then, Steve visits with Glenn Stockton, Founder and Managing Partner, from Stockton and Kandt. Glenn reviews the 2 primary types of Power of Attorney documents that everyone should have in place, discusses how to qualify for Medicaid, and provides examples of what would cause a “Medicaid Penalty”. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Franchise #SeniorCareFranchise #Hospice #EstatePlanning #Medicaid #Attorney #Medicare #Advantage
October 5, 2024: Kansas City Broadcast
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with David Wiley, President and CEO of Kansas City Hospice and Palliative Care as well as Caryn Honholt, Chief Development & Communications Officer and Bill Riek, Associate Director of Gift Planning, both with KCHPC. David and Caryn discuss their signature fundraising event of the year SNL:Sunday Night Live held Sunday October 6th from 5pm-8pm at Kansas City Power and Light. For more information about this incredible event or to donate (every dollar stays in KC to help local families in our community), please visit KCHospice.org/snl. Steve visits with Bill to discuss Estate Planning Awareness Week October 21-27 and reviews several aspects of estate planning that everyone should know and understand. Then, Steve visits with Glenn Stockton, Founder and Managing Partner, from Stockton and Kandt. Glenn reviews the 2 primary types of Power of Attorney documents that everyone should have in place, discusses how to qualify for Medicaid, and provides examples of what would cause a “Medicaid Penalty”. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Franchise #SeniorCareFranchise #Hospice #EstatePlanning #Medicaid #Attorney
September 28, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Neil Connolly, CFP and Senior Wealth Manager at Rally Wealth and Benefits. Neil discusses the possible impact of the recent Fed move to lower the interest rate by 50 basis points. Then, Neil discusses how Medicare and Social Security contribute to an overall tax strategy on retirement. Steve reviews CCRCs (Continuing Care Retirement Communities), what they offer, why you would consider one, and explains the entrance fee contracts that are associated with many of these types of communities. CCRCs offer independent living, assisted living, and long term care so this is by far and away the most difficult type of community to navigate without the assistance of a trained professional. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Franchise #SeniorCareFranchise
September 21, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Ben Souchek, owner of Home Downsizing Solutions, about the multiple ways Home Downsizing Solutions can help. Along with the traditional program, you can sell your house, collect the equity, then rent it back or even turn your house into an income stream. Ben also discusses the catch-22 when selling your house and moving to a senior care community. Don’t miss the Consumer Alert with more stories about the “free” referral services. Spoiler alert: they are NOT free at all. Another spoiler alert: they’re now saying the quiet part out loud. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Franchise #SeniorCareFranchise #RealEstate #SellMyHouse
September 14, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Mark Squires, The Medicare Whisperer. Mark discusses more turmoil in the Medicare Advantage world as a large insurance provider will no longer be contracting with a large medical provider/system. What does that mean to you? IF you have one of those plans, you may not be able to see your physician or go to your preferred hospital! Another large Part D Insurer announced they are no longer working in the brokerage channel. This means a Medicare broker cannot assist in an enrollment and can provide no service work throughout the year for the plan member. The Annual Election Period (AEP) is from October 15th to December 7th. This is your opportunity to make changes, if needed, to your Medicare plans for 2025. Don’t miss the Consumer Alert where Mark discusses yet another Medicare scam! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Medicare #MedicareAdvantage #KansasCity
September 7, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, explains the purpose of doing a “division of assets” when qualifying for Medicaid. Spoiler alert: the community spouse must be able to live independently without becoming impoverished due to the high cost of care provided for their spouse. Steve explains how it all works and then does some Medicaid myth busting with “Myth vs. Fact”. Then, Steve answers his most frequently asked question “when to consider moving from home to a senior care community”. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Medicaid #DivisionOfAssets
August 31, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Stacy Schultz, Constituent Events Manager with the Alzheimer's Association Heart of America Chapter, about The Longest Day, a unique DIY fundraising program. Stacy also discusses their signature fundraising event The Walk to End Alzheimer’s here in Kansas City on Saturday October 5th at the National WW1 Museum and Memorial in Kansas City, Missouri. Other walks are taking place throughout the country in September and October. For more information, visit Alz.org. Steve has a Senior Care In The News Report on the national crisis in nursing home access and staffing. Don’t miss Myth vs. Fact where Steve dispels a myth regarding is firm Senior Care Consulting! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Alzheimers #TLD #AlzheimersWalk #AlzheimersAssociation
August 24, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Bruce Glenn, Founder and President of Rally Wealth and Benefits. Bruce discusses the importance of estate planning relative to your financial plan, dollar limits, gift tax exemptions, and annual exclusions. He also discusses significant changes coming in 2025 and reviews strategies on how to prepare for those changes. Steve discusses the often misused and misunderstood term “memory care” and breaks it down. He also reveals the top 2 reasons a person would need “memory care” in a senior care community. Spoiler alert: memory care is a special type of care for those with cognitive impairment, it is NOT a level of care and there is no licensure for memory care! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #FinancialAdvisor #EstatePlanning
August 17, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Ben Souchek, owner of Home Downsizing Solutions, about the “catch 22” of selling your house and moving to a senior living community. Ben also discusses the Home Downsizing’s 6-month plan as explained on page 180 of Ben’s new book “Stress Free Home Downsizing” a senior’s guide to selling your house and simplifying your life. Steve has a Consumer Alert comparing Senior Care Consulting to the “free” referral services. Spoiler alert: they are not “free” at all! Then, Steve reviews the VA Aid and Attendance Benefit that helps pay for senior care and explains how veterans and their surviving spouses can qualify for this valuable benefit! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #VA #Downsizing
August 10, 2024
Listen in to a SPECIAL EPISODE of Senior Care Live where host Steve Kuker will recognize and celebrate the 22nd anniversary of his firm Senior Care Consulting! Guest Mark Squires, The Medicare Whisperer, has some important information about more turmoil in the Medicare Advantage market and has a Consumer Alert about a new Medicare-Related Fraud you need to be aware of! Steve shares the story of how it all began and discusses expansion through the franchising model! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Medicare
August 3, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, reviews the Top 10 Reasons you could receive an unwanted discharge letter from your Assisted Living Community. Spoiler alert: #9 is such a big mistake made by so many people, it is wrapped into a Consumer Alert! Steve also explains how to avoid a premature assisted living discharge and maximize your length of stay. Can Senior Care Consulting help if you need to transfer from the hospital to a rehab center on very short notice… THEN to a senior care community after rehab? Tune in to find out! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor
July 27, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Bruce Glenn, Founder and President of Rally Wealth and Benefits. Bruce discusses some exciting changes for his company and his team, then explains the impact major political events have on the financial market. Bruce also addresses the interesting question “does the financial market do better when a democrat or republican is elected President”. Listen in to find out, the answer may shock you! Steve answers the question “what happens if you run out of money while living in a long term care community” and explains why long term care costs have skyrocketed over the past 2 years. The reason for the dramatic cost increase will surprise you! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor
July 20, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Ben Souchek, owner of Home Downsizing Solutions. Ben discusses the challenge of timing when selling your house and moving to a senior care community. With Home Downsizing Solutions, you can remain in your house even after closing, while waiting for a space to become available in your senior care community. In this season of lengthy waiting lists, this a valuable benefit offered by HDS. Steve discusses Long Term Care Insurance and why it is very important for your plan to be a “State Partnership Plan”. Steve also explains exactly how a waiting list works at a senior care community. If you’re NOT ready to move, do you keep your #1 spot on the list, or do you get penalized and moved to the bottom of the list? Find out HERE! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor
July 13, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Mark Squires, The Medicare Whisperer. Mark shares some major surprises some people are reporting with their Medicare Advantage Plans and has a Consumer Alert about some dramatic changes coming to the Medicare Advantage market. Steve reviews the primary ways to pay for Assisted Living and answers the question “what happens if you run out of money while living in an Assisted Living Community?” #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Medicare #Advantage #Supplement
July 6, 2024
Listen in to a SPECIAL EPISODE of Senior Care Live as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, will recognize and celebrate the 11th ANNIVERSARY of the program! Steve welcomes 6 new affiliates to the Senior Care Broadcasting Network then visits with Glenn Stockton, estate planning and elder law attorney, from Stockton and Kandt. Glenn reviews Medicaid, how it’s different from Medicare, and what can cause a Medicaid penalty. Glenn also provides examples of what a “gift” is for Medicaid purposes, and why having a Care Contract is important. Glenn also explains that, by working with a qualified and experienced elder law attorney, there may be opportunities to protect assets in your estate so that you don’t go broke paying for nursing home care. Steve explains that the normal seasonal demand cycle for senior care has been completely disrupted this year, where peak demand and waiting lists remain high well into the summer months. Because of this, it’s more important than ever before to be proactive in your search for a senior care community! Steve thanks everyone for an awesome 11 years! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor
June 29, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, has a Consumer Alert about a Medicaid-qualifying related issue and ticking time bomb you may not be aware of, explains the Medicaid penalty divisor, and how to calculate a Medicaid penalty. Steve reviews the Care Contract, when and why it’s important to have one, and what happens if you don’t have a Care Contract. Spoiler alert: you’re not going to like the answer to that one! Steve answers the question “can you move to another nursing home while on Medicaid”? Then, Steve compares and contrasts his firm Senior Care Consulting with the “free” referral services, explains why more and more providers are not willing to “pay to play”, and reveals another major conflict of interest regarding these types of services. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor https://www.buzzsprout.com/1792914/15349117
June 22, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, welcomes a new Senior Care Broadcasting Network affiliate KBYR in Anchorage Alaska then visits with Kristina Strickland, Managing Partner of The Glenn Team at Infinitas. Kristina discusses family financial planning where multi generations can get involved together in financial planning efforts and how specific types of insurance can mitigate financial risk. Steve discusses long term care, pricing models, and average daily costs. Spoiler alert: this information may cause heart palpitations! Steve also discusses the Medicare 5-star rating system and explains it provides helpful information but doesn’t always tell the whole story. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor https://www.buzzsprout.com/1792914/15309812
June 15, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Ben Souchek, owner of Home Downsizing Solutions. What if you don’t have enough “stuff” to attract the services of an estate sale company? Ben’s company can help with that along with many other related issues surrounding the sale of your house. What if you need to sell your house to use the money to fund your next move, but can’t move into your next home for a while? With Home Downsizing Solutions, you can stay in the house, even after closing, while waiting for your next home to become available! Then, Steve discusses a phenomenon he has not seen in the market in 20 years. Steve also defines the assisted living level of care, reviews the 3 standard pricing models, and explains what factors influence the monthly cost of care. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor
June 8, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Mark Squires, The Medicare Whisperer, about major changes coming to the Medicare Advantage Market and answers the important question “if your Medicare Advantage Plan is ending, can you switch to a Medicare Supplement on a guaranteed issue basis?”. Mark also provides examples of surprises some people have reported with Medicare Advantage Plans. Steve shares the story of how his firm Senior Care Consulting began and discusses expanding The Placement Service With Integrity through the Franchise Model. He also announces the creation of The SCC Founder’s Club! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #SeniorCareAdvisor #Medicare #Advantage #Supplement
June 1, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Michelle Garrard, Community Program Specialist with the Alzheimer's Association, Heart of America Chapter. Michelle discusses Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, provides examples of how to take charge of our brain health, and shares important and free resources provided by the Alzheimer's Association as well as local and national contact information. Steve reviews Continuing Care Retirement Communities and explains why this is the most difficult type of senior care community to choose. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #Dementia #Alzheimers
May 25, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Bruce Glenn, Owner and CIO of The Glenn Team at Infinitas. Bruce discusses important information about Social Security including how to qualify, when you can take it, and how much you can earn while on Social Security without incurring a major tax penalty. Steve announces 2 new affiliate radio stations joining the Senior Care Broadcasting Network and recognizes Memorial Day. Steve reviews the VA Aid and Attendance Benefit that can help veterans and their surviving spouses pay for the high cost of senior care and compares Senior Care Consulting to the “free” referral services. Spoiler alert: the “free” referral services have a vested interest in you choosing one of their business partner facilities. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity
May 18, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Ben Souchek, owner of Home Downsizing Solutions. What if you don’t have enough “stuff” to attract the services of an estate sale company? Ben’s company can help with that as well as many other related issues surrounding the sale of your house. Learn more about franchising with Home Downsizing Solutions! Then, Steve visits with Glenn Stockton, Estate Planning and Elder Law attorney with Stockton and Kandt. Glenn explains how, with proper planning, you can protect your home from the high cost of senior care. But what if you waited too long and did not plan, can you still protect the home? Glenn answers that question and more! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #Elder #Law #Estate #Planning
May 11, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Mark Squires, The Medicare Whisperer, about some major changes that may be coming to the Medicare Advantage market. Mark explains why it’s important to understand your parent’s health insurance and shares examples of surprises some people have reported with their Medicare Advantage Plans. Steve provides the top 10 reasons you may be discharged from the assisted living level of care and how to avoid an unwanted discharge.
May 4, 2024: National Broadcast
National Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, shares the current monthly cost of senior care. Spoiler alert: this could take your breath away! Then Steve recognizes National Nurse’s Day, defines the term “memory care”, and explains what happens if you need memory care and the place you’re living doesn’t have that type of care. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity
May 4, 2024: Kansas City Broadcast
Kansas City Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with David Wiley, President and CEO of Kansas City Hospice & Palliative Care as well as Dr. Iman Williams Christians, Director of Grief Programs; and Caryn Hohnholt, Chief Development & Communications Officer with KCHPC. They recognize National Mental Health Awareness Month, Dr. Iman explains how grief can impact mental health, and shares the many resources KC Hospice has available to help. David explains that grief support from KC Hospice is provided for an entire year after the death of a loved one and is available to anyone in our community. Caryn announces the annual Circle of Lights ceremony in remembrance of a loved one May 21th at 8pm at the fountain in Mill Creek Park on the Country Club Plaza. Steve recognizes National Nurse’s Day, defines the term “memory care”, and explains what happens if you need memory care and the place you’re living doesn’t have that type of care.
April 27, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Bruce Glenn, Owner and CIO of The Glenn Team at Infinitas. Bruce discusses some common investment rating tools and other technical investment terms to be aware of. Bruce also discusses bonds and why yield can be important. Steve welcomes 2 new radio stations to the Senior Care Broadcasting Network and continues his review of Medicaid focusing on the division of assets for a married couple. Then, Steve has a warning about a longer than expected peak demand for senior care communities. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity
April 20, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Ben Souchek, owner of Home Downsizing Solutions. What if you don’t have enough “stuff” to attract the services of an estate sale company? Ben’s company can help with that along with many other related issues surrounding the sale of your house. What if you need to sell your house to use the money to fund your next move, but can’t move into your next home for a while? With Home Downsizing Solutions, you can stay in the house, even after closing, while waiting for your next home to become available! Steve addresses the significant question of “what happens if you run out of money and outlive your assets while living in a senior care community”? #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity
April 13, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Mark Squires, The Medicare Whisperer. Mark discusses what to look out for if you’re part of the sandwich generation and explains why there is no such thing as health insurance. Don’t miss the Consumer Alert regarding the latest Medicare-related scam! Then Steve explains how a waiting list works when waiting for a space to become available in a senior care community and has a Consumer Alert titled “you get what you pay for”! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #Medicare
April 6, 2024: National Broadcast
National Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, discusses Continuing Care Retirement Communities, various contract options, and their associated costs. Then, Steve visits with Dr. Linda Johnson, Senior Medical Director with ArchWell Health. Dr. Johnson explains how ArchWell Health specializes in caring for people age 60+ resulting in a very different and dramatically improved patient experience. When they open an office, they intentionally become an integrated part of that community and offer more than healthcare services including social activities, exercise classes, educational opportunities, transportation, and more! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity
April 6, 2024: Kansas City Broadcast
Kansas City Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with David Wiley, President and CEO of Kansas City Hospice & Palliative Care, and Melissa Basgall, Director of Volunteer Services with KCHPC. They recognize and discuss National Volunteer Month and share stories of how their volunteers are an integral part of their services, far exceeding the Medicare minimum requirement. Melissa explains the many ways volunteers help their patients and families and highlights one of their very own that won the prestigious “Heart of Hospice” award recently. David explains National Healthcare Decisions Day and the importance of proactively making your healthcare wishes known. Then, Steve visits with Dr. Linda Johnson, Senior Medical Director with ArchWell Health. Dr. Johnson explains how ArchWell Health specializes in caring for people age 60+ resulting in a very different and dramatically improved patient experience. When they open an office, they intentionally become an integrated part of that community and offer more than healthcare services including social activities, workout classes, educational opportunities, transportation, and more! Then, Steve discusses Continuing Care Retirement Communities and their associated costs. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #Hospice
March 30, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Mark Squires, The Medicare Whisperer. Mark discusses SEPs, Special Election Periods for Medicare Advantage plans and I assure you, most people do not know about this! Mark shares the history of his company, how it is different from many others, and how his agents are paid. Don’t miss the Consumer Alert about the latest Medicare-related scam, don’t take the bait! Then, Steve reviews the term “Memory Care”. Spoiler alert: Memory Care is NOT a level of care, it is a special type of care for residents with cognitive impairment and can be found at ALL licensed levels of care! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #Medicare
March 23, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Bruce Glenn, Owner and CIO of The Glenn Team at Infinitas. Bruce reviews financial milestones for those age 65 and above. This is a VERY informative discussion regarding information you may not be aware of, so check it out! Then, Steve visits with Ben Souchek from Home Downsizing Solutions about the benefits of selling your house for a fair cash price “as is” and walking away without having to pay for costly repairs and updates. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity
March 16, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Chris Dhooghe and James Moburg, owners of America’s Favorite Bathroom Remodeling Brand, Bath Wizard. They discuss their new Platinum Walk-in Bathtub, which has been in development for 8 years! Bath Wizard has solved the majority of the shortcomings of walk-in tubs. Learn about some of the issues with traditional fiberglass tubs versus their high tech polymer material that has a lifetime warranty. Also learn about their patent pending Rifle Jet technology, Therastone heated seat and back rest, and Bath Wizard expansion into several other states! Steve explains what to determine BEFORE beginning your search for a senior care community. Spoiler alert: this information will save you dozens and dozens of hours of time! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #WalkInTub #Remodel
March 9, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, addresses the most commonly asked question he’s been asked over the past 20 years and that is “when is the right time to consider moving from home to a senior care community?”. Then, Steve shares the story of why he started his own business and discusses franchise opportunities with Senior Care Consulting. Spoiler alert: if you work in the business of senior care, you are an ideal candidate! To learn more about owning your own Senior Care Consulting franchise, offering a placement service with integrity in your local marketplace, call 833-SCC-FRAN or visit SeniorCareConsulting.com! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #Franchise #FranchiseOpportunity
March 2, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, is feeling a little salty regarding some issues he has seen in the marketplace recently and informs you how to avoid them. Advocate for your loved one in the hospital; Steve shares stories of some recent experiences from his clients. Be protective of your long term care insurance policy; IF you have a LTCi policy that has a lifetime benefit, some insurance companies seem to want you to convert that incredibly valuable policy to a much less valuable “new and improved” policy. Don’t miss the Consumer Alert where Steve shares publicly available Better Business Bureau complaints about a “free” referral service. Steve informs the audience of a new flavor of “free” referral service but at the end of the day, their revenue model is the same. Then, learn about Senior Care Consulting, an alternative to these services, offering a placement service with integrity. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #Franchise #FranchiseOpportunity
February 24, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Bruce Glenn, CIO and Owner of The Glenn Team at Infinitas. Bruce shares some interesting facts related to the “championship football game”, these are some pretty incredible numbers! Bruce also shares how he and his team helps people who are wanting a second opinion on their financial plan. Spoiler alert: they are VERY thorough! Then, Steve visits with Mark Squires, The Medicare Whisperer. Mark discusses the Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period that ends March 31st, and explains who ROY is and what he did with your Medicare agent. Learn about a little known subsidy that could dramatically reduce the cost of your medications. And, don’t miss the “Consumer Alert” about offshore telemarketers asking if you’ve received your plastic Medicare ID card! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #Medicare #Fiduciary
February 17, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Ben Souchek, owner of Home Downsizing Solutions, about their full-service concierge approach. Not only can they buy your house as-is for a fair cash price, but they will also connect you to other related services offering a turn-key solution. Ben also offers his valuable weekly newsletter free of charge at HomeDownsizingReport.com. Listen and learn about exciting franchise opportunities with Home Downsizing Solutions! Steve explains the little known but very valuable “VA Aid and Attendance Benefit” that helps veterans and their surviving spouses pay for the high cost of senior care. Steve reviews the average cost of care for the primary options available in senior care communities. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity
February 10, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Chris Dhooghe and James Moburg, owners of America’s Favorite Bathroom Remodeling Brand, Bath Wizard. They discuss their new Platinum Walk-in Bathtub, which has been in development for 8 years! Bath Wizard has solved the majority of the shortcomings of walk-in tubs. Learn about some of the issues with traditional fiberglass tubs versus their high tech polymer material that has a lifetime warranty. Also learn about their patent pending Rifle Jet technology, Therastone heated seat and back rest, and expansion into several other states! Steve demonstrates the peak demand of senior care and shares a story of how he had 2 perspective-related experiences last week. Steve explains the process of Senior Care Consulting and answers the question “why should we refer to Senior Care Consulting rather than a ‘free’ referral service?”. Spoiler alert: Senior Care Consulting offers a placement service with integrity! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity
February 3, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with David Wiley, President and CEO of Kansas City Hospice & Palliative Care. David explains the difference between hospice and palliative care, where a patient can receive hospice care, and when it’s appropriate to move to the Kansas City Hospice House or the NorthCare Hospice House for end-of-life care. David also discusses their tremendous volunteer program and announces February’s “fun-raiser” Mustache Month! Then, Steve visits with Steve Johnson about long term care insurance. They discuss what LTC insurance pays for and review the primary elements of a long term care insurance policy. They also explain the benefit of having a State Partnership Plan and review new Hybrid plans that include a life insurance benefit. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #Hospice #LTCInsurance
January 27, 2024
Listen in to the 550th episode of Senior Care Live as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Bruce Glenn, CIO and Owner of The Glenn Team at Infinitas. They discuss how to keep your important online financial documents safe and financial matters to pay attention to when beginning a new year. Then, Steve visits with Ben Souchek, owner of Home Downsizing Solutions, about when to consider selling your home “as is” and conveniently walking away. Ben also offers his new weekly newsletter free of charge at HomeDownsizingReport .com. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity
January 20, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Chris Dhooghe and James Moburg, owners of an amazing company called Bath Wizard, specializing in wet-area remodeling. They discuss their new walk-in bathtub, which has been in development for 8 years, solving the majority of the shortcomings of walk-in tubs. You won’t believe all of the incredible features of this tub including depth of water, wider seat, zoned jets, low step-in entry, a hygienic feature, and super-fast drain time! Then, Steve visits with Glenn Stockton and Carrie Stracy from Stockton and Kandt law firm. Learn about the difference between estate planning and elder law as well as when to contact an elder law attorney. Glenn explains the importance of having a properly drafted Power of Attorney document and how to locate a qualified and experienced elder law attorney anywhere in the country! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #WalkinTub #EstatePlanning #ElderLaw
January 13, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with David Wiley, President and CEO of Kansas City Hospice & Palliative Care, and Heather Murphy, RN, and Director of Quality and Regulatory Compliance from KCHPC. They explain how former President Jimmy Carter and former First Lady Rosalynn Carter as well as your next door neighbor ALL receive the same wonderful benefits of hospice care, regardless of who you are. You may be surprised to learn that Medicare covers 100% of hospice services and the average length of time on service is 97 days. Hospice is more than medical care for the patient, hospice also cares for the caregiver and the entire family. You will learn how to find a quality hospice provider in your area and how to choose the right provider for your unique situation. Steve discusses a call from a Senior Care Live listener and shares the story of one of his favorite Senior Care Consulting clients, Olive. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #Hospice
January 6, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, announces 2 new affiliate broadcasting partners joining the Senior Care Broadcasting Network in Houston-Galveston Texas and Kihei Hawaii. Steve explains the first step of providing care for your elderly loved one is to assemble a team of volunteer family and friend caregivers. This effort is truly the backbone of our entire senior healthcare system valued at a stunning $600 Billion annually! Another option is to hire a homecare company to provide care. How do you find a quality homecare provider with so many to choose from? Steve offers his Homecare Provider Screening Tool FREE OF CHARGE to Senior Care Live listeners. He also warns about the tremendous risk and liability of hiring and managing your own caregivers. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #HomeCare
December 30, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, has a Senior Care In The News Report to begin the program. Then, Steve explains the seasonal demand for all Senior Care Providers. Spoiler alert: peak demand begins NOW! Steve reviews the primary levels of care available at care communities, what they provide, and their associated monthly costs. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity
December 23, 2023
Listen in as Steve welcomes a new affiliate station in the Senior Care Broadcasting Network: KTLR-AM and FM 103.7 in Oklahoma City, OK heard on Saturday and Sunday mornings! Host Steve Kuker visits with Bruce Glenn, CIO and Owner of The Glenn Team at Infinitas. Bruce provides a recap of the 2023 financial markets and reveals the silver lining in the turbulent markets. Don’t miss the Senior Care Live Question of the Week, as you will be VERY surprised by the answer! Bruce also explains what he expects to see in 2024 and reviews the 2024 contributions changes. Steve explains that families will be gathering for the holidays and many will have a sudden and new realization that their elderly loved ones may need help or care. Steve offers his Home Care Provider Screening Tool free of charge for anyone wanting to find a homecare provider to help their loved one in their own home. Steve also discussed the possibility of moving to a senior care community after the holidays. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity
December 16, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Ben Souchek from Home Downsizing Solutions about how he can work with other professionals when serving his clients, and refer to other businesses to make the entire process much easier. Ben compares and contrasts his service with that of a traditional retail real estate transaction and describes the ideal candidate for a Home Downsizing Solutions franchise. Did you know that with HDS you can stay in the house even after closing, while waiting for your space to become available in a senior living community? Also, Ben created www.GetMyHouseValues.com to determine what your house is worth before considering selling it. Steve has a Consumer Alert with a story about how his clients were not given the right of choice while in the hospital… twice! It is ALWAYS the “patient’s right to choose”, every single time. Steve answers the question “why should our company refer our clients to Senior Care Consulting rather than a “free” referral service?” #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity
December 9, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Chris Dhooghe and James Moburg, owners of an amazing company called Bath Wizard, specializing in wet-area remodeling. They discuss their new walk-in bathtub, which has been in development for 8 years! They have solved all of the shortcomings of walk-in tubs. You won’t believe all of the incredible features of this tub including depth of water, wider seat, zoned jets, low step-in entry, a hygienic feature, and super-fast drain time! Chris and James also discuss their new product called Wet Board™ that replaces inferior sheet rock and green board in bathroom construction. Learn about how this revolutionary product can be used in your bathroom! Then, learn about how the “America’s Favorite Bathroom Remodeling Brand™” slogan has evolved into a company culture of excellence! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #BathroomRemodeling #Diabetes #Neuropathy
December 2, 2023: National Broadcast
National Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, answers the critical question of when to consider moving from home to a senior care community. Then, he explains what to determine BEFORE searching for a senior care community! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #AlzheimersCare
December 2, 2023: Kansas City Broadcast
Kansas City Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with David Wiley, President and CEO of Kansas City Hospice and Palliative Care and Patty Poore, RN, BSN, Director of Clinical Services with KCHPC. Patty shares that recently, KC Hospice was voted Best Place to Work in Kansas City and Best Health Nonprofit! David shares information on some of the many programs offered by KC Hospice including Community-Based Palliative Care and their two hospice houses, Kansas City Hospice House and NorthCare Hospice House. Patty discusses their pediatric hospice program called Carousel. David shares exciting news on how to make a donation through “The Giving Machine” located at Union Station. Steve reviews what to determine BEFORE beginning your search for a senior care community! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #AlzheimersCare #Hospice
November 25, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Bruce Glenn, CIO and Owner of The Glenn Team at Infinitas, about their Year End Planning Checklist that includes reviewing year end goals, budget review, and tax planning measures. Bruce also discussed estate planning, charitable giving, and education planning. Learn how to receive a FREE Year End Planning Checklist of your own! Steve reviews several situations where his firm Senior Care Consulting was able to help families in need of placement services. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #AlzheimersCare #FinancialPlanning #FinancialReview
November 18, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Ben Souchek from Home Downsizing Solutions about working with other professional senior-related services to offer a turn-key solution for you and your family when selling your house and moving to a senior care community. Ben and Steve also discuss how some online reviews may not be accurate or based on an actual experience with the company, so beware of what you read online! Steve reviews what to determine before beginning your search for a senior care community. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #AlzheimersCare
November 11, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Mr. Ron Cherry, Associate Director of National Veteran Services with the National Headquarters of the VFW, about the VA Aid and Attendance Benefit. The Aid and Attendance benefit helps to pay for the high cost of senior care for veterans and the surviving spouse of a veteran. Ron breaks down how to qualify for this valuable benefit, what it pays for, and how much it pays per month. Ron also warns about “Claim Sharks” and offers a much better option to apply for veteran benefits and processing claims. Steve reviews when to consider moving from home to a senior care community, discusses the seasonal demand for senior care, and honors veterans on this Veteran’s Day. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #AlzheimersCare #Veterans #VeteransDay #VA
November 4, 2023: National Broadcast
National Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with The Medicare Whisperer, Mark Squires, about the wonderful world of Medicare. Mark provides important information about some major changes in Medicare you definitely want to know about! Mark explains why choosing the right Medicare plan is SO important, building a shield around your life savings to protect what you’ve worked so hard to accumulate. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #AlzheimersCare #Hospice #Medicare
November 4, 2023: Kansas City Broadcast
Kansas City Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Caryn Hohnholt, Chief Development and Communications Officer from Kansas City Hospice and Palliative Care and Oscar Orozco, a therapist from Kansas City-based Resolve Counseling and Wellness and former Grief Support Specialist with Kansas City Hospice. Caryn explains why dealing with loss or anticipated loss is so difficult, especially as we approach the holiday season. Oscar shares some examples and provides some very helpful tools that can help you get through the holidays. Caryn recognizes National Hospice and Palliative Care Month, many helpful resources can be found at KCHospice.org. Steve visits with The Medicare Whisperer, Mark Squires, about the wonderful world of Medicare. Mark provides important information about some major changes in Medicare that you definitely want to know about! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #AlzheimersCare #Hospice #Medicare
October 28, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Bruce Glenn, CIO and Owner of The Glenn Team at Infinitas about the importance of cyber security. Bruce explains the first steps to take to protect your digital information, the importance of a strong password, and provides an excellent resource to keep your identity safe. Bruce also addresses how the Middle East war may affect our financial markets here in the US. Then, Steve visits with Maureen Lester, elder law attorney with Complete Estate and Probate Law. Maureen explains the difference between estate planning and elder law, discusses Medicaid, and the importance of working with an elder law attorney when applying for Medicaid. Maureen also provides an excellent resource to locate an elder law attorney anywhere in the US. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #AlzheimersCare #ElderLaw
October 21, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Ben Souchek from Home Downsizing Solutions about the benefits of selling your house “as is” for cash, specializing in WORKING WITH SENIORS who are moving from their house to a senior care community. Ben offers his excellent book “Home Downsizing Secrets” FREE of charge to Senior Care Live listeners! Steve answers the question of when moving to a (CCRC) Continuing Care Retirement Community “should we move to Independent Living or stay home for Independent Living?” and explains the benefits of a Continuing Care Retirement Community. Steve has a loud warning regarding some CCRCs missing a critical type of care! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #AlzheimersCare
October 14, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Chris Dhooghe and James Moburg, owners of a booming company called Bath Wizard, specializing in wet-area remodeling. They discuss a new product and service called “Finish Magic” which is a lower cost option than fully replacing your existing tub or shower. It literally makes your old surfaces new again. If it can protect the space shuttle upon re-entry, it can do wonders for your tub or shower enclosure! You can also replace your old bathtub with a new easy-entry shower and remain independent in your own home for years to come, avoiding an expensive move to a senior care community. Steve directly answers the question of why someone should refer their clients to Senior Care Consulting over a “free” referral service and discusses franchise opportunities with his firm all across America! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #Hospice #Franchising
October 7, 2023: National Broadcast
National Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker answers the important question of “What happens if you run out of money when living in a Senior Care Community?” Don’t miss the myth-busting regarding Senior Care Consulting’s reasonable flat fee-for-service business model. Steve answers the question of why should someone choose Senior Care Consulting over one of the “free” referral services, and explains what it means when using the phrase “find the right fit and best place available”. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #Franchising
October 7, 2023: Kansas City Broadcast
Kansas City Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with David Wiley, President and CEO of Kansas City Hospice and Palliative Care, Dr. Iman William Christians, Director of Grief Programs at KCHPC and Janie Ewell, co-founder of Solace House. They discuss Solace House which was founded 25 years ago to address the need for grief support and healing in the Kansas City area. Solace House is a true community resource available to anyone, and you do not have to be a patient of Kansas City Hospice to participate in their many programs. Don’t miss Janie’s moving story of how it all began. Steve answers the question of why should someone choose Senior Care Consulting over one of the “free” referral services, and explains what it means when using the phrase “find the right fit and best place available”. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #Hospice #Franchising
September 30, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker reviews the average cost of Assisted Living and Long Term Care Communities. Don’t miss the “Myth vs Fact” segment where Steve does some myth busting regarding Medicare. Steve has a “Senior Care In The News” report about proposed federally mandated staffing requirements for nursing homes and some of the inherent issues with the proposal. Then, Steve reviews what to determine before beginning your search for senior care. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #Franchising
September 23, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Melissa Myers, Financial Advisor with The Glenn Team at Infinitas. Melissa discusses why it’s important for business owners to have a solid financial plan, reviews some unique challenges business owners face, and shares some of the common mistakes they make. You will be very surprised to learn the average age of a small business owner! Steve discusses franchising opportunities with his firm Senior Care Consulting, and why it’s SO important to be proactive when searching for a senior care community. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #Franchising https://www.buzzsprout.com/1792914/13658533
September 16, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Ben Souchek from Home Downsizing Solutions about working together with other related service providers to provide a turn-key solution for the families they serve. Ben also discusses the ideal candidate to own a HDS franchise and offers Senior Care Live listeners a FREE copy of his book “Home Downsizing Secrets”. Then, Steve recognizes National Assisted Living Week, defines assisted living, highlights some of the limitations at the assisted living level, and explains why the assisted living level of care is the second most difficult for most people to navigate when conducting a search. Steve also reviews the average cost of assisted living and reviews the 3 most common assisted living pricing models. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #AssistedLiving #NationalAssistedLivingWeek
September 9, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Chris Dhooghe and James Moburg, owners of a booming company called Bath Wizard, specializing in wet-area remodeling. They discuss the challenges of using subcontractors and explain some of the major issues this can create. Spoiler alert: Bath Wizard only uses W2 employees which is a critical part of their Extreme Vertical Integration™ model. Chris and James also discuss their new showroom and invite you to drop by and see the Bath Wizard difference for yourself! Steve reviews the seasonal demand for all senior care as we now head into the Fall months and answers the question “when should we consider moving from home to a senior care community?”. Then Steve discusses the amazing franchise opportunities currently available with Senior Care Consulting, now expanding nationally! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #Franchise #WetAreaRemodeling
September 2, 2023: National Broadcast
National Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker provides a comprehensive review of Medicaid including comparing Medicaid to Medicare, how to qualify for Medicaid, and what it pays for. Steve explains how Medicaid coverage differs between long term care and assisted living. Then, Steve reviews what happens to your income when qualifying for Medicaid and why having a Care Contract is SO important. Steve answers the frequently asked question: “what should we do when living in a private pay Assisted Living Community and we’re running out of money”? Spoiler alert: be proactive and do not wait until the last minute! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting
September 2, 2023: Kansas City Broadcast
Kansas City Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with David Wiley, President and CEO of Kansas City Hospice and Palliative Care, and Jesse Heilman, Board Certified Music Therapist with KCHPC. David explains that Kansas City Hospice and Palliative Care uses expressive therapies, including Music Therapy, to enhance the overall quality of life of their patients. Jesse reviews her role and how she uses music to address the physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs of hospice patients. She even demonstrates this by singing and playing guitar, in the studio! David announces their major annual fundraiser “Sunday Night Live” held at the Power and Light District Sunday October 1st at 4pm. Tickets are available at 816.363.2600 or online at KCHospice.org/SNL. Steve announces a NEW RECOGNITION PROGRAM called the Senior Care Live “Caregiver of the Month”. Then Steve visits with Patty Garrett, Director of RNS Private Duty Care, and learns about the services they offer. Steve and Patty recognize Lisa Williams as the first-ever Senior Care Live Caregiver of the Month! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #Hospice #HomeCare #PrivateDutyCare
August 26, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Bruce Glenn, CIO and Owner of The Glenn Team at Infinitas. Bruce reviews Social Security, which is always a hot topic for seniors and their caregivers. You might be surprised by how much more your social security check could be if you delay receiving it a few years, and how that decision could impact your spouse. Bruce also explains how recent changes from the Secure Act 2.0 have affected required minimum distributions from a tax point of view and how that could impact your Medicare premiums. Steve has a Senior Care In The News report exposing government and media hype and fear mongering regarding the new “highly mutated” Covid variant BA.2.86. Spoiler alert: it is nearly nonexistent, and the symptoms in the ONE case in Michigan are about the same as any other Covid symptoms, similar to a mild cold. Don’t miss the Consumer Alert where information provided by a senior living advisor was incorrect and Steve was able to set the record straight and get the family on the right path. Steve reviews what NOT to take, as a new resident, when moving to a senior care community. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #Franchise #Franchising
August 19, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Ben Souchek from Home Downsizing Solutions about working together with other related service providers to provide a turn-key solution for the families they serve. Ben also discusses the ideal candidate to own a HDS franchise and offers Senior Care Live listeners a FREE copy of his book “Home Downsizing Secrets”. Then, Steve visits with Chris Dhooghe and James Moburg, owners of an impressive company called Bath Wizard, setting new standards in the wet area remodeling industry! Learn about their amazing new product Forever Stone®. Bath Wizard is also producing a new superior product that will eventually replace “green board” and they call it Wet Board®. Also, learn about Engineered Plumbing® from the great guys at Bath Wizard! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting
August 12, 2023
Listen in to a SPECIAL EPISODE of Senior Care Live celebrating the “21st ANNIVERSARY of Senior Care Consulting”! Host Steve Kuker shares the story of how it all began and how he met his very first client. Don’t miss the Consumer Alert where Steve will share current and publicly available Better Business Bureau complaints about the stunning business practices of a free referral service. Spoiler alert: this shines a bright light on everything Steve has educated you about. Then, Steve discusses the expansion of Senior Care Consulting through the franchise model, prime territories are currently available! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #Franchise #FranchiseOpportunity #FranchiseOpportunities
August 5, 2023: National Broadcast
Listen in as host Steve Kuker addresses the most frequently asked questions regarding hospice care. He also shares the biggest misunderstanding most people have about hospice care and the biggest mistake many people make when reaching out to a hospice provider. Steve has a Consumer Alert regarding running out of money when living in a private pay Assisted Living Community. Spoiler Alert: be proactive and don’t wait until the last minute to move! Steve also discusses franchising opportunities with his firm Senior Care Consulting. If you’re interested in owning your own business offering “a placement service with integrity” in your area, reach out today, prime territories are available! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #Franchising #FranchiseOpportunities
August 5, 2023: Kansas City Broadcast
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with David Wiley, President and CEO of Kansas City Hospice and Palliative Care, and Lisa Farmer, Community Education and Outreach Coordinator with KCHPC. When there is a death that directly affects your inner circle of family and friends, grief can be especially difficult. Learn what to say, how to say it, and when to say it. Just as important, learn what not to say and learn the best way to support them as they grieve. David announces their “Seasons of Solace” campaign and invites everyone to join in celebrating 25 years of grief support services offered through Solace House, Kansas City Hospice’s Center for Grief and Healing. Steve has a Consumer Alert regarding running out of money when living in a private pay Assisted Living Community. Spoiler Alert: be proactive and don’t wait until the last minute to move! Steve also discusses franchising opportunities with his firm Senior Care Consulting. If you’re interested in owning your own business offering “a placement service with integrity” in your area, reach out today, prime territories are available! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #Franchising #FranchiseOpportunities #Hospice
July 29, 2023: SCL10th Anniversary Speical
Listen in to the “10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY” SPECIAL EPISODE of Senior Care Live where host Steve Kuker reviews long term care insurance and believes, with the skyrocketing costs of senior care, this special type of insurance is no longer an option. Steve also reviews the VA Aid and Attendance benefit helping veterans and their surviving spouses pay for senior care. Don’t miss the Consumer Alert, where Steve educates listeners about a new flavor of “free” referral services and explains exactly how they work. Spoiler alert: it’s just the same old thing wrapped up in a slightly different package. Steve thanks everyone for helping Senior Care Live reach this major milestone and celebrate the 10th anniversary of the program! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #10YearAnniversary
July 22, 2023
Listen is as host Steve Kuker visits with Bruce Glenn, CIO and Owner of The Glenn Team at Infinitas. Bruce provides a mid-year financial update and discusses the Secure Act 2.0 changes to required minimum distributions. Bruce is one of the very few “certified behavioral financial analysts” in the country and discusses how our emotions can affect how we handle our investments, he also reviews the 3 pillars of investing. Steve provides an overview of the primary levels of senior care and their associated costs. Spoiler alert: hold on to your wallet, this is getting expensive! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting
July 15, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Ben Souchek from Home Downsizing Solutions about the benefits of selling your house “as is” for cash, specializing in working with seniors who are moving from their house to a senior care community. Ben offers his excellent book “Home Downsizing Secrets” FREE of charge to Senior Care Live listeners! Don’t miss the Consumer Alert where Steve shares a story of how his firm Senior Care Consulting helped a family avoid an unnecessary move. Steve also offers his Home Care Provider Screening Tool free of charge to Senior Care Live listeners to help them choose a quality home care provider! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorCareLive
July 8, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Chris Dhooghe and James Moburg, owners of a booming company called Bath Wizard, specializing in wet-area remodeling. Chris and James discuss Next Generation Water Management Systems™, Extreme Vertical Integration™, Extreme Specialization™, and the lack of industry standards in the wet-area remodeling business. Don’t miss the Consumer Alert about choosing the correct level of care and where you get your advice. Steve explains the seasonal demand for senior care and answers the question “is it too early to look for a senior care community if I want to move this Fall or next Spring?” #SeniorCare #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorCareLive #BathWizard #BathroomRemodeling
July 1, 2023: National Broadcast
Listen in as host Steve Kuker addresses the common question of when to consider moving from home to a senior care community, and what to determine before beginning your search. Steve shares a story of a conversation he recently had regarding Continuing Care Retirement Communities and their entrance fees. Steve also explains why it is critically important to be proactive in your search for a senior care community. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting
July 1, 2023: Kansas City Broadcast
Kansas City Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Caryn Hohnholt, Chief Development and Communications Officer with Kansas City Hospice & Palliative Care, and Patty Poore, Registered Nurse and Director of Clinical Services at KC Hospice. Caryn and Patty discuss Alzheimer’s Disease, differentiate Alzheimer’s from dementia, and explain that Alzheimer’s is not a normal part of the aging process. They explain the late-stage care that KC Hospice can provide for the patient and family and discuss the many grief support programs offered by KCHPC, available for our entire community. Steve shares a story of a conversation he recently had regarding Continuing Care Retirement Communities and their entrance fees. Steve also explains why it is critically important to be proactive in your search for a senior care community. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #Hospice
June 24, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Melissa Myers, Financial Advisor with The Glenn Team at Infinitas. Melissa discusses estate planning and provides some eye-opening examples of the benefits of having an estate plan as well as the consequences of not having an estate plan. Learn what an estate plan includes and who needs one. Steve recognizes National Nursing Assistants Week for CNAs and CMAs and celebrates the hard and invaluable work they do. Steve shares a story of a phone conversation he had with a senior care community that is NOT willing to play the kickback-game with the “free” referral services. Steve also shares a post of a man that was escorted to the door by HR after helping start and build a successful company, offering him and others in this situation the opportunity to consider owning a Senior Care Consulting franchise as an alternative to corporate America. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting
June 17, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Ben Souchek from Home Downsizing Solutions about the benefits of selling your house “as is” for cash, specializing in working with seniors who are moving from their house to a senior care community. Also, Ben has a major announcement about his company’s national expansion plans! Then, Steve defines the term “memory care”, discusses where memory care is provided, and explains some specific issues that would indicate the need for memory care. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #HomeDownSizing
June 10, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Chris Dhooghe and James Moburg, owners of a wonderful company called Bath Wizard, specializing in wet area remodeling. Chris and James discuss how Bath Wizard is now expanding and will focus on bringing their world-class brand and business model to small towns across America. Steve explains how Medicaid Pending works as a payor source when requiring a long-term care community. He also explains that, while Medicaid is similar in most States, there can be very specific differences in each State that could be to your benefit OR detriment. Steve always recommends seeking counsel from an experienced and qualified elder law attorney for Medicaid planning. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting
June 3, 2023: National Broadcast
National Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker reviews the Medicaid Division of Assets, how it works, and what happens to the income of the spouse needing long term care. Don’t miss the “Myth vs. Fact” segment correcting some common Medicaid myths. Then Steve reviews a little-known benefit called the VA Aid and Attendance Benefit that helps veterans and their surviving spouses pay for the high cost of senior care, and introduces his new Senior Care Consulting website www.SeniorCareConsulting.com! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting
June 3, 2023: Kansas City Broadcast
Kansas City Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with David Wiley, President and CEO of Kansas City Hospice and Palliative Care, as well as Dr. Lisa Bernard. David discusses National Healthcare Decisions Month (recognized every April) and why it’s so important to have your wishes known, before a health crisis occurs. Dr. Bernard shares examples of life sustaining treatment options, explains how having your wishes known is a true gift to your family, and shares the benefits of advanced funeral and celebration of life planning. Advanced care planning information can be found at CaringInfo.org. Steve reviews a little-known benefit called the VA Aid and Attendance Benefit that helps veterans and their surviving spouses pay for the high cost of senior care, and introduces his new Senior Care Consulting website SeniorCareConsulting.com! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #Hospice #PaliativeCare
May 27, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Bruce Glenn, CIO and Owner of The Glenn Team at Infinitas. Bruce discusses what to consider regarding retirement planning when in your 40s, 50s, 60s, and beyond. Then, Steve visits with Glen Smith, attorney and owner of Lifescape Law and Development. Glen explains what a lifecare planning law firm is and how their firm is very different from typical elder law and estate planning firms. They take a holistic approach, providing comprehensive solutions to complex situations, and consider multiple elements of the plan that all work together in harmony! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SenorCareConsulting
May 20, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Ben Souchek from Home Downsizing Solutions. Ben addresses the important question of “Should I update my house and make repairs to sell on the traditional retail market, or should I sell my house as is for cash?” Ben also discusses the term ‘novation’ and warns against signing such an agreement with a wholesaler. Steve recognizes National Skilled Nursing Care Week (formerly Nursing Home Week) and celebrates the often-difficult work performed by all of those working so hard to care for our elderly. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #HomeDownsizing
May 13, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Chris Dhooghe and James Moburg, owners of an excellent company called Bath Wizard. They review the top 5 reasons Bath Wizard is America’s favorite bathroom remodeling brand and answer the question “should I hire a solo practitioner to remodel my bathroom?” Steve has a Consumer Alert regarding where you get your advice and discusses some of the ways Senior Care Consulting can determine which level of care is required. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting
May 6, 2023: National Broadcast
Listen in as host Steve Kuker introduces a new Senior Care Assessment and Guidance Service available nationally. It is a virtual consultation and geriatric care assessment that will determine your best options moving forward when caring for an elderly loved one. Steve reviews how to remain independent in your own home, has a Senior Care In The News Report, and celebrates National Nurse’s Day! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #NursesDay
May 6, 2023: Kansas City Broadcast
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with David Wiley, President and CEO of Kansas City Hospice and Palliative Care, as well as Iman Williams Christians PhD, Director of Grief Programs and Grief Support with KCHPC. Dr. Iman explains her role, shares a comprehensive list of the many grief support programs offered by KC Hospice, and recognizes the importance of the grieving process. David shares information about an upcoming community event called “Circle of Lights” held on the Plaza at 8pm on Tuesday May 23, 2023. This event is open to everyone in our community. Find out how you can participate in this meaningful ceremony in remembrance of your loved one. Steve recognizes and discusses National Nurse’s Day which is May 6th! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #Hospice
April 29, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker shares the Top 10 reasons you could be discharged from Assisted Living. Since the Assisted Living level of care is NOT a standardized model, it’s important to know some of the many reasons you could receive an unexpected and unwanted discharge. Steve also discusses how to avoid an early discharge from Assisted Living and does some myth busting with the feature Myth vs. Fact! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting
April 22, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Bruce Glenn, CIO and Owner of The Glenn Team at Infinitas. For the Glenn Team, it’s behavioral finance month so Bruce explains the concept of behavioral finance and coaches listeners to not buy the constant fear mongering from the media. Learn how to determine if your money will last throughout retirement and why the sequence of returns matters. Steve reviews the 3 most common Assisted Living pricing models and explains which one his clients like the most. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting
April 15, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Ben Souchek from Home Downsizing Solutions about the benefits of selling your house “as is” for cash, specializing in working with seniors who are moving from their house to a senior care community. Ben offers his excellent book “Home Downsizing Secrets” FREE of charge to Senior Care Live listeners! Steve has a Senior Care In The News Report and discusses his firm Senior Care Consulting. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting
April 8, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Chris Dhooghe and James Moburg, owners of an excellent company called Bath Wizard. They review the top 5 reasons that Bath Wizard is America’s favorite bathroom remodeling brand. Learn about “The Bath Wizard Way” that is creating a new standard in bathroom remodeling! Steve has a Consumer Alert regarding the ”free” referral services. Spoiler Alert: these services are free to you because they don’t work for you. Steve also discusses Senior Care Consulting franchise opportunities available all across America! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting
April 1, 2023: National Broadcast
National Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker reviews the average cost of several types of senior care, then explains how to pay for the high cost of senior care including the VA Aid and Attendance Benefit, Medicare, and Long Term Care Insurance! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting
April 1, 2023: Kansas City Broadcast
Kansas City Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with David Wiley, President and CEO of Kansas City Hospice and Palliative Care, as well as Melissa Basgall, Manager of Volunteer Services, and Lane Foster, Volunteer Coordinator of Kansas City Hospice House. They recognize National Volunteer Month by discussing the significant impact volunteers make at KC Hospice and share some of the many ways volunteers serve patients and their families. Spoiler alert: KC Hospice exceeds the volunteer requirement by almost 100%! David congratulates Lane on winning the Missouri Hospice & Palliative Care Association’s “Heart of Hospice Award”, which is a very competitive and prestigious award to receive! April 16th is National Healthcare Decisions Day and David reminds everyone about the importance of advance care planning. Steve reviews Long Term Care Insurance and says having this special type of insurance is no longer an option due to the skyrocketing cost of senior care. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #Hospice #NationalHealthcareDecisionsDay
March 18, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker has a MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT regarding his firm Senior Care Consulting! Don’t miss the fanfare at the beginning of the program for this important major announcement that will change everything! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting
All nationally syndicated radio broadcasts are converted to podcasts immediately after airing. Unless noted as Kansas City specific, all programs are national broadcasts.
I’m a paragraph. Drag me to add paragraph to your block, write your own text and edit me.
May 18, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Ben Souchek, owner of Home Downsizing Solutions. What if you don’t have enough “stuff” to attract the services of an estate sale company? Ben’s company can help with that as well as many other related issues surrounding the sale of your house. Learn more about franchising with Home Downsizing Solutions! Then, Steve visits with Glenn Stockton, Estate Planning and Elder Law attorney with Stockton and Kandt. Glenn explains how, with proper planning, you can protect your home from the high cost of senior care. But what if you waited too long and did not plan, can you still protect the home? Glenn answers that question and more! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #Elder #Law #Estate #Planning
May 11, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Mark Squires, The Medicare Whisperer, about some major changes that may be coming to the Medicare Advantage market. Mark explains why it’s important to understand your parent’s health insurance and shares examples of surprises some people have reported with their Medicare Advantage Plans. Steve provides the top 10 reasons you may be discharged from the assisted living level of care and how to avoid an unwanted discharge.
May 4, 2024: National Broadcast
National Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, shares the current monthly cost of senior care. Spoiler alert: this could take your breath away! Then Steve recognizes National Nurse’s Day, defines the term “memory care”, and explains what happens if you need memory care and the place you’re living doesn’t have that type of care. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity
May 4, 2024: Kansas City Broadcast
Kansas City Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with David Wiley, President and CEO of Kansas City Hospice & Palliative Care as well as Dr. Iman Williams Christians, Director of Grief Programs; and Caryn Hohnholt, Chief Development & Communications Officer with KCHPC. They recognize National Mental Health Awareness Month, Dr. Iman explains how grief can impact mental health, and shares the many resources KC Hospice has available to help. David explains that grief support from KC Hospice is provided for an entire year after the death of a loved one and is available to anyone in our community. Caryn announces the annual Circle of Lights ceremony in remembrance of a loved one May 21th at 8pm at the fountain in Mill Creek Park on the Country Club Plaza. Steve recognizes National Nurse’s Day, defines the term “memory care”, and explains what happens if you need memory care and the place you’re living doesn’t have that type of care.
April 27, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Bruce Glenn, Owner and CIO of The Glenn Team at Infinitas. Bruce discusses some common investment rating tools and other technical investment terms to be aware of. Bruce also discusses bonds and why yield can be important. Steve welcomes 2 new radio stations to the Senior Care Broadcasting Network and continues his review of Medicaid focusing on the division of assets for a married couple. Then, Steve has a warning about a longer than expected peak demand for senior care communities. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity
April 20, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Ben Souchek, owner of Home Downsizing Solutions. What if you don’t have enough “stuff” to attract the services of an estate sale company? Ben’s company can help with that along with many other related issues surrounding the sale of your house. What if you need to sell your house to use the money to fund your next move, but can’t move into your next home for a while? With Home Downsizing Solutions, you can stay in the house, even after closing, while waiting for your next home to become available! Steve addresses the significant question of “what happens if you run out of money and outlive your assets while living in a senior care community”? #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity
April 13, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Mark Squires, The Medicare Whisperer. Mark discusses what to look out for if you’re part of the sandwich generation and explains why there is no such thing as health insurance. Don’t miss the Consumer Alert regarding the latest Medicare-related scam! Then Steve explains how a waiting list works when waiting for a space to become available in a senior care community and has a Consumer Alert titled “you get what you pay for”! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #Medicare
April 6, 2024: National Broadcast
National Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, discusses Continuing Care Retirement Communities, various contract options, and their associated costs. Then, Steve visits with Dr. Linda Johnson, Senior Medical Director with ArchWell Health. Dr. Johnson explains how ArchWell Health specializes in caring for people age 60+ resulting in a very different and dramatically improved patient experience. When they open an office, they intentionally become an integrated part of that community and offer more than healthcare services including social activities, exercise classes, educational opportunities, transportation, and more! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity
April 6, 2024: Kansas City Broadcast
Kansas City Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with David Wiley, President and CEO of Kansas City Hospice & Palliative Care, and Melissa Basgall, Director of Volunteer Services with KCHPC. They recognize and discuss National Volunteer Month and share stories of how their volunteers are an integral part of their services, far exceeding the Medicare minimum requirement. Melissa explains the many ways volunteers help their patients and families and highlights one of their very own that won the prestigious “Heart of Hospice” award recently. David explains National Healthcare Decisions Day and the importance of proactively making your healthcare wishes known. Then, Steve visits with Dr. Linda Johnson, Senior Medical Director with ArchWell Health. Dr. Johnson explains how ArchWell Health specializes in caring for people age 60+ resulting in a very different and dramatically improved patient experience. When they open an office, they intentionally become an integrated part of that community and offer more than healthcare services including social activities, workout classes, educational opportunities, transportation, and more! Then, Steve discusses Continuing Care Retirement Communities and their associated costs. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #Hospice
March 30, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Mark Squires, The Medicare Whisperer. Mark discusses SEPs, Special Election Periods for Medicare Advantage plans and I assure you, most people do not know about this! Mark shares the history of his company, how it is different from many others, and how his agents are paid. Don’t miss the Consumer Alert about the latest Medicare-related scam, don’t take the bait! Then, Steve reviews the term “Memory Care”. Spoiler alert: Memory Care is NOT a level of care, it is a special type of care for residents with cognitive impairment and can be found at ALL licensed levels of care! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #Medicare
March 23, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Bruce Glenn, Owner and CIO of The Glenn Team at Infinitas. Bruce reviews financial milestones for those age 65 and above. This is a VERY informative discussion regarding information you may not be aware of, so check it out! Then, Steve visits with Ben Souchek from Home Downsizing Solutions about the benefits of selling your house for a fair cash price “as is” and walking away without having to pay for costly repairs and updates. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity
March 16, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Chris Dhooghe and James Moburg, owners of America’s Favorite Bathroom Remodeling Brand, Bath Wizard. They discuss their new Platinum Walk-in Bathtub, which has been in development for 8 years! Bath Wizard has solved the majority of the shortcomings of walk-in tubs. Learn about some of the issues with traditional fiberglass tubs versus their high tech polymer material that has a lifetime warranty. Also learn about their patent pending Rifle Jet technology, Therastone heated seat and back rest, and Bath Wizard expansion into several other states! Steve explains what to determine BEFORE beginning your search for a senior care community. Spoiler alert: this information will save you dozens and dozens of hours of time! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #WalkInTub #Remodel
March 9, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, addresses the most commonly asked question he’s been asked over the past 20 years and that is “when is the right time to consider moving from home to a senior care community?”. Then, Steve shares the story of why he started his own business and discusses franchise opportunities with Senior Care Consulting. Spoiler alert: if you work in the business of senior care, you are an ideal candidate! To learn more about owning your own Senior Care Consulting franchise, offering a placement service with integrity in your local marketplace, call 833-SCC-FRAN or visit SeniorCareConsulting.com! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #Franchise #FranchiseOpportunity
March 2, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, is feeling a little salty regarding some issues he has seen in the marketplace recently and informs you how to avoid them. Advocate for your loved one in the hospital; Steve shares stories of some recent experiences from his clients. Be protective of your long term care insurance policy; IF you have a LTCi policy that has a lifetime benefit, some insurance companies seem to want you to convert that incredibly valuable policy to a much less valuable “new and improved” policy. Don’t miss the Consumer Alert where Steve shares publicly available Better Business Bureau complaints about a “free” referral service. Steve informs the audience of a new flavor of “free” referral service but at the end of the day, their revenue model is the same. Then, learn about Senior Care Consulting, an alternative to these services, offering a placement service with integrity. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #Franchise #FranchiseOpportunity
February 24, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Bruce Glenn, CIO and Owner of The Glenn Team at Infinitas. Bruce shares some interesting facts related to the “championship football game”, these are some pretty incredible numbers! Bruce also shares how he and his team helps people who are wanting a second opinion on their financial plan. Spoiler alert: they are VERY thorough! Then, Steve visits with Mark Squires, The Medicare Whisperer. Mark discusses the Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period that ends March 31st, and explains who ROY is and what he did with your Medicare agent. Learn about a little known subsidy that could dramatically reduce the cost of your medications. And, don’t miss the “Consumer Alert” about offshore telemarketers asking if you’ve received your plastic Medicare ID card! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #Medicare #Fiduciary
February 17, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Ben Souchek, owner of Home Downsizing Solutions, about their full-service concierge approach. Not only can they buy your house as-is for a fair cash price, but they will also connect you to other related services offering a turn-key solution. Ben also offers his valuable weekly newsletter free of charge at HomeDownsizingReport.com. Listen and learn about exciting franchise opportunities with Home Downsizing Solutions! Steve explains the little known but very valuable “VA Aid and Attendance Benefit” that helps veterans and their surviving spouses pay for the high cost of senior care. Steve reviews the average cost of care for the primary options available in senior care communities. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity
February 10, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Chris Dhooghe and James Moburg, owners of America’s Favorite Bathroom Remodeling Brand, Bath Wizard. They discuss their new Platinum Walk-in Bathtub, which has been in development for 8 years! Bath Wizard has solved the majority of the shortcomings of walk-in tubs. Learn about some of the issues with traditional fiberglass tubs versus their high tech polymer material that has a lifetime warranty. Also learn about their patent pending Rifle Jet technology, Therastone heated seat and back rest, and expansion into several other states! Steve demonstrates the peak demand of senior care and shares a story of how he had 2 perspective-related experiences last week. Steve explains the process of Senior Care Consulting and answers the question “why should we refer to Senior Care Consulting rather than a ‘free’ referral service?”. Spoiler alert: Senior Care Consulting offers a placement service with integrity! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity
February 3, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with David Wiley, President and CEO of Kansas City Hospice & Palliative Care. David explains the difference between hospice and palliative care, where a patient can receive hospice care, and when it’s appropriate to move to the Kansas City Hospice House or the NorthCare Hospice House for end-of-life care. David also discusses their tremendous volunteer program and announces February’s “fun-raiser” Mustache Month! Then, Steve visits with Steve Johnson about long term care insurance. They discuss what LTC insurance pays for and review the primary elements of a long term care insurance policy. They also explain the benefit of having a State Partnership Plan and review new Hybrid plans that include a life insurance benefit. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #Hospice #LTCInsurance
January 27, 2024
Listen in to the 550th episode of Senior Care Live as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Bruce Glenn, CIO and Owner of The Glenn Team at Infinitas. They discuss how to keep your important online financial documents safe and financial matters to pay attention to when beginning a new year. Then, Steve visits with Ben Souchek, owner of Home Downsizing Solutions, about when to consider selling your home “as is” and conveniently walking away. Ben also offers his new weekly newsletter free of charge at HomeDownsizingReport .com. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity
January 20, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Chris Dhooghe and James Moburg, owners of an amazing company called Bath Wizard, specializing in wet-area remodeling. They discuss their new walk-in bathtub, which has been in development for 8 years, solving the majority of the shortcomings of walk-in tubs. You won’t believe all of the incredible features of this tub including depth of water, wider seat, zoned jets, low step-in entry, a hygienic feature, and super-fast drain time! Then, Steve visits with Glenn Stockton and Carrie Stracy from Stockton and Kandt law firm. Learn about the difference between estate planning and elder law as well as when to contact an elder law attorney. Glenn explains the importance of having a properly drafted Power of Attorney document and how to locate a qualified and experienced elder law attorney anywhere in the country! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #WalkinTub #EstatePlanning #ElderLaw
January 13, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with David Wiley, President and CEO of Kansas City Hospice & Palliative Care, and Heather Murphy, RN, and Director of Quality and Regulatory Compliance from KCHPC. They explain how former President Jimmy Carter and former First Lady Rosalynn Carter as well as your next door neighbor ALL receive the same wonderful benefits of hospice care, regardless of who you are. You may be surprised to learn that Medicare covers 100% of hospice services and the average length of time on service is 97 days. Hospice is more than medical care for the patient, hospice also cares for the caregiver and the entire family. You will learn how to find a quality hospice provider in your area and how to choose the right provider for your unique situation. Steve discusses a call from a Senior Care Live listener and shares the story of one of his favorite Senior Care Consulting clients, Olive. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #Hospice
January 6, 2024
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, announces 2 new affiliate broadcasting partners joining the Senior Care Broadcasting Network in Houston-Galveston Texas and Kihei Hawaii. Steve explains the first step of providing care for your elderly loved one is to assemble a team of volunteer family and friend caregivers. This effort is truly the backbone of our entire senior healthcare system valued at a stunning $600 Billion annually! Another option is to hire a homecare company to provide care. How do you find a quality homecare provider with so many to choose from? Steve offers his Homecare Provider Screening Tool FREE OF CHARGE to Senior Care Live listeners. He also warns about the tremendous risk and liability of hiring and managing your own caregivers. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #HomeCare
December 30, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, has a Senior Care In The News Report to begin the program. Then, Steve explains the seasonal demand for all Senior Care Providers. Spoiler alert: peak demand begins NOW! Steve reviews the primary levels of care available at care communities, what they provide, and their associated monthly costs. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity
December 23, 2023
Listen in as Steve welcomes a new affiliate station in the Senior Care Broadcasting Network: KTLR-AM and FM 103.7 in Oklahoma City, OK heard on Saturday and Sunday mornings! Host Steve Kuker visits with Bruce Glenn, CIO and Owner of The Glenn Team at Infinitas. Bruce provides a recap of the 2023 financial markets and reveals the silver lining in the turbulent markets. Don’t miss the Senior Care Live Question of the Week, as you will be VERY surprised by the answer! Bruce also explains what he expects to see in 2024 and reviews the 2024 contributions changes. Steve explains that families will be gathering for the holidays and many will have a sudden and new realization that their elderly loved ones may need help or care. Steve offers his Home Care Provider Screening Tool free of charge for anyone wanting to find a homecare provider to help their loved one in their own home. Steve also discussed the possibility of moving to a senior care community after the holidays. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #AlzheimersCare #DementiaCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity
December 16, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Ben Souchek from Home Downsizing Solutions about how he can work with other professionals when serving his clients, and refer to other businesses to make the entire process much easier. Ben compares and contrasts his service with that of a traditional retail real estate transaction and describes the ideal candidate for a Home Downsizing Solutions franchise. Did you know that with HDS you can stay in the house even after closing, while waiting for your space to become available in a senior living community? Also, Ben created www.GetMyHouseValues.com to determine what your house is worth before considering selling it. Steve has a Consumer Alert with a story about how his clients were not given the right of choice while in the hospital… twice! It is ALWAYS the “patient’s right to choose”, every single time. Steve answers the question “why should our company refer our clients to Senior Care Consulting rather than a “free” referral service?” #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity
December 9, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, visits with Chris Dhooghe and James Moburg, owners of an amazing company called Bath Wizard, specializing in wet-area remodeling. They discuss their new walk-in bathtub, which has been in development for 8 years! They have solved all of the shortcomings of walk-in tubs. You won’t believe all of the incredible features of this tub including depth of water, wider seat, zoned jets, low step-in entry, a hygienic feature, and super-fast drain time! Chris and James also discuss their new product called Wet Board™ that replaces inferior sheet rock and green board in bathroom construction. Learn about how this revolutionary product can be used in your bathroom! Then, learn about how the “America’s Favorite Bathroom Remodeling Brand™” slogan has evolved into a company culture of excellence! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #BathroomRemodeling #Diabetes #Neuropathy
December 2, 2023: National Broadcast
National Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker, President of Senior Care Consulting, answers the critical question of when to consider moving from home to a senior care community. Then, he explains what to determine BEFORE searching for a senior care community! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #AlzheimersCare
December 2, 2023: Kansas City Broadcast
Kansas City Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with David Wiley, President and CEO of Kansas City Hospice and Palliative Care and Patty Poore, RN, BSN, Director of Clinical Services with KCHPC. Patty shares that recently, KC Hospice was voted Best Place to Work in Kansas City and Best Health Nonprofit! David shares information on some of the many programs offered by KC Hospice including Community-Based Palliative Care and their two hospice houses, Kansas City Hospice House and NorthCare Hospice House. Patty discusses their pediatric hospice program called Carousel. David shares exciting news on how to make a donation through “The Giving Machine” located at Union Station. Steve reviews what to determine BEFORE beginning your search for a senior care community! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #AlzheimersCare #Hospice
November 25, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Bruce Glenn, CIO and Owner of The Glenn Team at Infinitas, about their Year End Planning Checklist that includes reviewing year end goals, budget review, and tax planning measures. Bruce also discussed estate planning, charitable giving, and education planning. Learn how to receive a FREE Year End Planning Checklist of your own! Steve reviews several situations where his firm Senior Care Consulting was able to help families in need of placement services. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #AlzheimersCare #FinancialPlanning #FinancialReview
November 18, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Ben Souchek from Home Downsizing Solutions about working with other professional senior-related services to offer a turn-key solution for you and your family when selling your house and moving to a senior care community. Ben and Steve also discuss how some online reviews may not be accurate or based on an actual experience with the company, so beware of what you read online! Steve reviews what to determine before beginning your search for a senior care community. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #AlzheimersCare
November 11, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Mr. Ron Cherry, Associate Director of National Veteran Services with the National Headquarters of the VFW, about the VA Aid and Attendance Benefit. The Aid and Attendance benefit helps to pay for the high cost of senior care for veterans and the surviving spouse of a veteran. Ron breaks down how to qualify for this valuable benefit, what it pays for, and how much it pays per month. Ron also warns about “Claim Sharks” and offers a much better option to apply for veteran benefits and processing claims. Steve reviews when to consider moving from home to a senior care community, discusses the seasonal demand for senior care, and honors veterans on this Veteran’s Day. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #AlzheimersCare #Veterans #VeteransDay #VA
November 4, 2023: National Broadcast
National Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with The Medicare Whisperer, Mark Squires, about the wonderful world of Medicare. Mark provides important information about some major changes in Medicare you definitely want to know about! Mark explains why choosing the right Medicare plan is SO important, building a shield around your life savings to protect what you’ve worked so hard to accumulate. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #AlzheimersCare #Hospice #Medicare
November 4, 2023: Kansas City Broadcast
Kansas City Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Caryn Hohnholt, Chief Development and Communications Officer from Kansas City Hospice and Palliative Care and Oscar Orozco, a therapist from Kansas City-based Resolve Counseling and Wellness and former Grief Support Specialist with Kansas City Hospice. Caryn explains why dealing with loss or anticipated loss is so difficult, especially as we approach the holiday season. Oscar shares some examples and provides some very helpful tools that can help you get through the holidays. Caryn recognizes National Hospice and Palliative Care Month, many helpful resources can be found at KCHospice.org. Steve visits with The Medicare Whisperer, Mark Squires, about the wonderful world of Medicare. Mark provides important information about some major changes in Medicare that you definitely want to know about! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #AlzheimersCare #Hospice #Medicare
October 28, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Bruce Glenn, CIO and Owner of The Glenn Team at Infinitas about the importance of cyber security. Bruce explains the first steps to take to protect your digital information, the importance of a strong password, and provides an excellent resource to keep your identity safe. Bruce also addresses how the Middle East war may affect our financial markets here in the US. Then, Steve visits with Maureen Lester, elder law attorney with Complete Estate and Probate Law. Maureen explains the difference between estate planning and elder law, discusses Medicaid, and the importance of working with an elder law attorney when applying for Medicaid. Maureen also provides an excellent resource to locate an elder law attorney anywhere in the US. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #AlzheimersCare #ElderLaw
October 21, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Ben Souchek from Home Downsizing Solutions about the benefits of selling your house “as is” for cash, specializing in WORKING WITH SENIORS who are moving from their house to a senior care community. Ben offers his excellent book “Home Downsizing Secrets” FREE of charge to Senior Care Live listeners! Steve answers the question of when moving to a (CCRC) Continuing Care Retirement Community “should we move to Independent Living or stay home for Independent Living?” and explains the benefits of a Continuing Care Retirement Community. Steve has a loud warning regarding some CCRCs missing a critical type of care! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #CCRC #SeniorLiving #KansasCitySeniorCare #SeniorCarePlacement #LongTermCare #AssistedLiving #SeniorCareAdvisor #SeniorCareConsultant #SeniorLiving #MemoryCare #ContinuingCareRetirementCommunity #AlzheimersCare
October 14, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Chris Dhooghe and James Moburg, owners of a booming company called Bath Wizard, specializing in wet-area remodeling. They discuss a new product and service called “Finish Magic” which is a lower cost option than fully replacing your existing tub or shower. It literally makes your old surfaces new again. If it can protect the space shuttle upon re-entry, it can do wonders for your tub or shower enclosure! You can also replace your old bathtub with a new easy-entry shower and remain independent in your own home for years to come, avoiding an expensive move to a senior care community. Steve directly answers the question of why someone should refer their clients to Senior Care Consulting over a “free” referral service and discusses franchise opportunities with his firm all across America! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #Hospice #Franchising
October 7, 2023: National Broadcast
National Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker answers the important question of “What happens if you run out of money when living in a Senior Care Community?” Don’t miss the myth-busting regarding Senior Care Consulting’s reasonable flat fee-for-service business model. Steve answers the question of why should someone choose Senior Care Consulting over one of the “free” referral services, and explains what it means when using the phrase “find the right fit and best place available”. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #Franchising
October 7, 2023: Kansas City Broadcast
Kansas City Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with David Wiley, President and CEO of Kansas City Hospice and Palliative Care, Dr. Iman William Christians, Director of Grief Programs at KCHPC and Janie Ewell, co-founder of Solace House. They discuss Solace House which was founded 25 years ago to address the need for grief support and healing in the Kansas City area. Solace House is a true community resource available to anyone, and you do not have to be a patient of Kansas City Hospice to participate in their many programs. Don’t miss Janie’s moving story of how it all began. Steve answers the question of why should someone choose Senior Care Consulting over one of the “free” referral services, and explains what it means when using the phrase “find the right fit and best place available”. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #Hospice #Franchising
September 30, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker reviews the average cost of Assisted Living and Long Term Care Communities. Don’t miss the “Myth vs Fact” segment where Steve does some myth busting regarding Medicare. Steve has a “Senior Care In The News” report about proposed federally mandated staffing requirements for nursing homes and some of the inherent issues with the proposal. Then, Steve reviews what to determine before beginning your search for senior care. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #Franchising
September 23, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Melissa Myers, Financial Advisor with The Glenn Team at Infinitas. Melissa discusses why it’s important for business owners to have a solid financial plan, reviews some unique challenges business owners face, and shares some of the common mistakes they make. You will be very surprised to learn the average age of a small business owner! Steve discusses franchising opportunities with his firm Senior Care Consulting, and why it’s SO important to be proactive when searching for a senior care community. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #Franchising https://www.buzzsprout.com/1792914/13658533
September 16, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Ben Souchek from Home Downsizing Solutions about working together with other related service providers to provide a turn-key solution for the families they serve. Ben also discusses the ideal candidate to own a HDS franchise and offers Senior Care Live listeners a FREE copy of his book “Home Downsizing Secrets”. Then, Steve recognizes National Assisted Living Week, defines assisted living, highlights some of the limitations at the assisted living level, and explains why the assisted living level of care is the second most difficult for most people to navigate when conducting a search. Steve also reviews the average cost of assisted living and reviews the 3 most common assisted living pricing models. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #AssistedLiving #NationalAssistedLivingWeek
September 9, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Chris Dhooghe and James Moburg, owners of a booming company called Bath Wizard, specializing in wet-area remodeling. They discuss the challenges of using subcontractors and explain some of the major issues this can create. Spoiler alert: Bath Wizard only uses W2 employees which is a critical part of their Extreme Vertical Integration™ model. Chris and James also discuss their new showroom and invite you to drop by and see the Bath Wizard difference for yourself! Steve reviews the seasonal demand for all senior care as we now head into the Fall months and answers the question “when should we consider moving from home to a senior care community?”. Then Steve discusses the amazing franchise opportunities currently available with Senior Care Consulting, now expanding nationally! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #Franchise #WetAreaRemodeling
September 2, 2023: National Broadcast
National Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker provides a comprehensive review of Medicaid including comparing Medicaid to Medicare, how to qualify for Medicaid, and what it pays for. Steve explains how Medicaid coverage differs between long term care and assisted living. Then, Steve reviews what happens to your income when qualifying for Medicaid and why having a Care Contract is SO important. Steve answers the frequently asked question: “what should we do when living in a private pay Assisted Living Community and we’re running out of money”? Spoiler alert: be proactive and do not wait until the last minute! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting
September 2, 2023: Kansas City Broadcast
Kansas City Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with David Wiley, President and CEO of Kansas City Hospice and Palliative Care, and Jesse Heilman, Board Certified Music Therapist with KCHPC. David explains that Kansas City Hospice and Palliative Care uses expressive therapies, including Music Therapy, to enhance the overall quality of life of their patients. Jesse reviews her role and how she uses music to address the physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs of hospice patients. She even demonstrates this by singing and playing guitar, in the studio! David announces their major annual fundraiser “Sunday Night Live” held at the Power and Light District Sunday October 1st at 4pm. Tickets are available at 816.363.2600 or online at KCHospice.org/SNL. Steve announces a NEW RECOGNITION PROGRAM called the Senior Care Live “Caregiver of the Month”. Then Steve visits with Patty Garrett, Director of RNS Private Duty Care, and learns about the services they offer. Steve and Patty recognize Lisa Williams as the first-ever Senior Care Live Caregiver of the Month! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #Hospice #HomeCare #PrivateDutyCare
August 26, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Bruce Glenn, CIO and Owner of The Glenn Team at Infinitas. Bruce reviews Social Security, which is always a hot topic for seniors and their caregivers. You might be surprised by how much more your social security check could be if you delay receiving it a few years, and how that decision could impact your spouse. Bruce also explains how recent changes from the Secure Act 2.0 have affected required minimum distributions from a tax point of view and how that could impact your Medicare premiums. Steve has a Senior Care In The News report exposing government and media hype and fear mongering regarding the new “highly mutated” Covid variant BA.2.86. Spoiler alert: it is nearly nonexistent, and the symptoms in the ONE case in Michigan are about the same as any other Covid symptoms, similar to a mild cold. Don’t miss the Consumer Alert where information provided by a senior living advisor was incorrect and Steve was able to set the record straight and get the family on the right path. Steve reviews what NOT to take, as a new resident, when moving to a senior care community. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #Franchise #Franchising
August 19, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Ben Souchek from Home Downsizing Solutions about working together with other related service providers to provide a turn-key solution for the families they serve. Ben also discusses the ideal candidate to own a HDS franchise and offers Senior Care Live listeners a FREE copy of his book “Home Downsizing Secrets”. Then, Steve visits with Chris Dhooghe and James Moburg, owners of an impressive company called Bath Wizard, setting new standards in the wet area remodeling industry! Learn about their amazing new product Forever Stone®. Bath Wizard is also producing a new superior product that will eventually replace “green board” and they call it Wet Board®. Also, learn about Engineered Plumbing® from the great guys at Bath Wizard! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting
August 12, 2023
Listen in to a SPECIAL EPISODE of Senior Care Live celebrating the “21st ANNIVERSARY of Senior Care Consulting”! Host Steve Kuker shares the story of how it all began and how he met his very first client. Don’t miss the Consumer Alert where Steve will share current and publicly available Better Business Bureau complaints about the stunning business practices of a free referral service. Spoiler alert: this shines a bright light on everything Steve has educated you about. Then, Steve discusses the expansion of Senior Care Consulting through the franchise model, prime territories are currently available! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #Franchise #FranchiseOpportunity #FranchiseOpportunities
August 5, 2023: National Broadcast
Listen in as host Steve Kuker addresses the most frequently asked questions regarding hospice care. He also shares the biggest misunderstanding most people have about hospice care and the biggest mistake many people make when reaching out to a hospice provider. Steve has a Consumer Alert regarding running out of money when living in a private pay Assisted Living Community. Spoiler Alert: be proactive and don’t wait until the last minute to move! Steve also discusses franchising opportunities with his firm Senior Care Consulting. If you’re interested in owning your own business offering “a placement service with integrity” in your area, reach out today, prime territories are available! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #Franchising #FranchiseOpportunities
August 5, 2023: Kansas City Broadcast
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with David Wiley, President and CEO of Kansas City Hospice and Palliative Care, and Lisa Farmer, Community Education and Outreach Coordinator with KCHPC. When there is a death that directly affects your inner circle of family and friends, grief can be especially difficult. Learn what to say, how to say it, and when to say it. Just as important, learn what not to say and learn the best way to support them as they grieve. David announces their “Seasons of Solace” campaign and invites everyone to join in celebrating 25 years of grief support services offered through Solace House, Kansas City Hospice’s Center for Grief and Healing. Steve has a Consumer Alert regarding running out of money when living in a private pay Assisted Living Community. Spoiler Alert: be proactive and don’t wait until the last minute to move! Steve also discusses franchising opportunities with his firm Senior Care Consulting. If you’re interested in owning your own business offering “a placement service with integrity” in your area, reach out today, prime territories are available! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #Franchising #FranchiseOpportunities #Hospice
July 29, 2023: SCL10th Anniversary Speical
Listen in to the “10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY” SPECIAL EPISODE of Senior Care Live where host Steve Kuker reviews long term care insurance and believes, with the skyrocketing costs of senior care, this special type of insurance is no longer an option. Steve also reviews the VA Aid and Attendance benefit helping veterans and their surviving spouses pay for senior care. Don’t miss the Consumer Alert, where Steve educates listeners about a new flavor of “free” referral services and explains exactly how they work. Spoiler alert: it’s just the same old thing wrapped up in a slightly different package. Steve thanks everyone for helping Senior Care Live reach this major milestone and celebrate the 10th anniversary of the program! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #10YearAnniversary
July 22, 2023
Listen is as host Steve Kuker visits with Bruce Glenn, CIO and Owner of The Glenn Team at Infinitas. Bruce provides a mid-year financial update and discusses the Secure Act 2.0 changes to required minimum distributions. Bruce is one of the very few “certified behavioral financial analysts” in the country and discusses how our emotions can affect how we handle our investments, he also reviews the 3 pillars of investing. Steve provides an overview of the primary levels of senior care and their associated costs. Spoiler alert: hold on to your wallet, this is getting expensive! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting
July 15, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Ben Souchek from Home Downsizing Solutions about the benefits of selling your house “as is” for cash, specializing in working with seniors who are moving from their house to a senior care community. Ben offers his excellent book “Home Downsizing Secrets” FREE of charge to Senior Care Live listeners! Don’t miss the Consumer Alert where Steve shares a story of how his firm Senior Care Consulting helped a family avoid an unnecessary move. Steve also offers his Home Care Provider Screening Tool free of charge to Senior Care Live listeners to help them choose a quality home care provider! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorCareLive
July 8, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Chris Dhooghe and James Moburg, owners of a booming company called Bath Wizard, specializing in wet-area remodeling. Chris and James discuss Next Generation Water Management Systems™, Extreme Vertical Integration™, Extreme Specialization™, and the lack of industry standards in the wet-area remodeling business. Don’t miss the Consumer Alert about choosing the correct level of care and where you get your advice. Steve explains the seasonal demand for senior care and answers the question “is it too early to look for a senior care community if I want to move this Fall or next Spring?” #SeniorCare #SeniorCareConsulting #SeniorCareLive #BathWizard #BathroomRemodeling
July 1, 2023: National Broadcast
Listen in as host Steve Kuker addresses the common question of when to consider moving from home to a senior care community, and what to determine before beginning your search. Steve shares a story of a conversation he recently had regarding Continuing Care Retirement Communities and their entrance fees. Steve also explains why it is critically important to be proactive in your search for a senior care community. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting
July 1, 2023: Kansas City Broadcast
Kansas City Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Caryn Hohnholt, Chief Development and Communications Officer with Kansas City Hospice & Palliative Care, and Patty Poore, Registered Nurse and Director of Clinical Services at KC Hospice. Caryn and Patty discuss Alzheimer’s Disease, differentiate Alzheimer’s from dementia, and explain that Alzheimer’s is not a normal part of the aging process. They explain the late-stage care that KC Hospice can provide for the patient and family and discuss the many grief support programs offered by KCHPC, available for our entire community. Steve shares a story of a conversation he recently had regarding Continuing Care Retirement Communities and their entrance fees. Steve also explains why it is critically important to be proactive in your search for a senior care community. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #Hospice
June 24, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Melissa Myers, Financial Advisor with The Glenn Team at Infinitas. Melissa discusses estate planning and provides some eye-opening examples of the benefits of having an estate plan as well as the consequences of not having an estate plan. Learn what an estate plan includes and who needs one. Steve recognizes National Nursing Assistants Week for CNAs and CMAs and celebrates the hard and invaluable work they do. Steve shares a story of a phone conversation he had with a senior care community that is NOT willing to play the kickback-game with the “free” referral services. Steve also shares a post of a man that was escorted to the door by HR after helping start and build a successful company, offering him and others in this situation the opportunity to consider owning a Senior Care Consulting franchise as an alternative to corporate America. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting
June 17, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Ben Souchek from Home Downsizing Solutions about the benefits of selling your house “as is” for cash, specializing in working with seniors who are moving from their house to a senior care community. Also, Ben has a major announcement about his company’s national expansion plans! Then, Steve defines the term “memory care”, discusses where memory care is provided, and explains some specific issues that would indicate the need for memory care. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #HomeDownSizing
June 10, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Chris Dhooghe and James Moburg, owners of a wonderful company called Bath Wizard, specializing in wet area remodeling. Chris and James discuss how Bath Wizard is now expanding and will focus on bringing their world-class brand and business model to small towns across America. Steve explains how Medicaid Pending works as a payor source when requiring a long-term care community. He also explains that, while Medicaid is similar in most States, there can be very specific differences in each State that could be to your benefit OR detriment. Steve always recommends seeking counsel from an experienced and qualified elder law attorney for Medicaid planning. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting
June 3, 2023: National Broadcast
National Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker reviews the Medicaid Division of Assets, how it works, and what happens to the income of the spouse needing long term care. Don’t miss the “Myth vs. Fact” segment correcting some common Medicaid myths. Then Steve reviews a little-known benefit called the VA Aid and Attendance Benefit that helps veterans and their surviving spouses pay for the high cost of senior care, and introduces his new Senior Care Consulting website www.SeniorCareConsulting.com! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting
June 3, 2023: Kansas City Broadcast
Kansas City Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with David Wiley, President and CEO of Kansas City Hospice and Palliative Care, as well as Dr. Lisa Bernard. David discusses National Healthcare Decisions Month (recognized every April) and why it’s so important to have your wishes known, before a health crisis occurs. Dr. Bernard shares examples of life sustaining treatment options, explains how having your wishes known is a true gift to your family, and shares the benefits of advanced funeral and celebration of life planning. Advanced care planning information can be found at CaringInfo.org. Steve reviews a little-known benefit called the VA Aid and Attendance Benefit that helps veterans and their surviving spouses pay for the high cost of senior care, and introduces his new Senior Care Consulting website SeniorCareConsulting.com! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #Hospice #PaliativeCare
May 27, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Bruce Glenn, CIO and Owner of The Glenn Team at Infinitas. Bruce discusses what to consider regarding retirement planning when in your 40s, 50s, 60s, and beyond. Then, Steve visits with Glen Smith, attorney and owner of Lifescape Law and Development. Glen explains what a lifecare planning law firm is and how their firm is very different from typical elder law and estate planning firms. They take a holistic approach, providing comprehensive solutions to complex situations, and consider multiple elements of the plan that all work together in harmony! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SenorCareConsulting
May 20, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Ben Souchek from Home Downsizing Solutions. Ben addresses the important question of “Should I update my house and make repairs to sell on the traditional retail market, or should I sell my house as is for cash?” Ben also discusses the term ‘novation’ and warns against signing such an agreement with a wholesaler. Steve recognizes National Skilled Nursing Care Week (formerly Nursing Home Week) and celebrates the often-difficult work performed by all of those working so hard to care for our elderly. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #HomeDownsizing
May 13, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Chris Dhooghe and James Moburg, owners of an excellent company called Bath Wizard. They review the top 5 reasons Bath Wizard is America’s favorite bathroom remodeling brand and answer the question “should I hire a solo practitioner to remodel my bathroom?” Steve has a Consumer Alert regarding where you get your advice and discusses some of the ways Senior Care Consulting can determine which level of care is required. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting
May 6, 2023: National Broadcast
Listen in as host Steve Kuker introduces a new Senior Care Assessment and Guidance Service available nationally. It is a virtual consultation and geriatric care assessment that will determine your best options moving forward when caring for an elderly loved one. Steve reviews how to remain independent in your own home, has a Senior Care In The News Report, and celebrates National Nurse’s Day! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #NursesDay
May 6, 2023: Kansas City Broadcast
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with David Wiley, President and CEO of Kansas City Hospice and Palliative Care, as well as Iman Williams Christians PhD, Director of Grief Programs and Grief Support with KCHPC. Dr. Iman explains her role, shares a comprehensive list of the many grief support programs offered by KC Hospice, and recognizes the importance of the grieving process. David shares information about an upcoming community event called “Circle of Lights” held on the Plaza at 8pm on Tuesday May 23, 2023. This event is open to everyone in our community. Find out how you can participate in this meaningful ceremony in remembrance of your loved one. Steve recognizes and discusses National Nurse’s Day which is May 6th! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #Hospice
April 29, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker shares the Top 10 reasons you could be discharged from Assisted Living. Since the Assisted Living level of care is NOT a standardized model, it’s important to know some of the many reasons you could receive an unexpected and unwanted discharge. Steve also discusses how to avoid an early discharge from Assisted Living and does some myth busting with the feature Myth vs. Fact! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting
April 22, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Bruce Glenn, CIO and Owner of The Glenn Team at Infinitas. For the Glenn Team, it’s behavioral finance month so Bruce explains the concept of behavioral finance and coaches listeners to not buy the constant fear mongering from the media. Learn how to determine if your money will last throughout retirement and why the sequence of returns matters. Steve reviews the 3 most common Assisted Living pricing models and explains which one his clients like the most. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting
April 15, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Ben Souchek from Home Downsizing Solutions about the benefits of selling your house “as is” for cash, specializing in working with seniors who are moving from their house to a senior care community. Ben offers his excellent book “Home Downsizing Secrets” FREE of charge to Senior Care Live listeners! Steve has a Senior Care In The News Report and discusses his firm Senior Care Consulting. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting
April 8, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with Chris Dhooghe and James Moburg, owners of an excellent company called Bath Wizard. They review the top 5 reasons that Bath Wizard is America’s favorite bathroom remodeling brand. Learn about “The Bath Wizard Way” that is creating a new standard in bathroom remodeling! Steve has a Consumer Alert regarding the ”free” referral services. Spoiler Alert: these services are free to you because they don’t work for you. Steve also discusses Senior Care Consulting franchise opportunities available all across America! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting
April 1, 2023: National Broadcast
National Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker reviews the average cost of several types of senior care, then explains how to pay for the high cost of senior care including the VA Aid and Attendance Benefit, Medicare, and Long Term Care Insurance! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting
April 1, 2023: Kansas City Broadcast
Kansas City Broadcast: Listen in as host Steve Kuker visits with David Wiley, President and CEO of Kansas City Hospice and Palliative Care, as well as Melissa Basgall, Manager of Volunteer Services, and Lane Foster, Volunteer Coordinator of Kansas City Hospice House. They recognize National Volunteer Month by discussing the significant impact volunteers make at KC Hospice and share some of the many ways volunteers serve patients and their families. Spoiler alert: KC Hospice exceeds the volunteer requirement by almost 100%! David congratulates Lane on winning the Missouri Hospice & Palliative Care Association’s “Heart of Hospice Award”, which is a very competitive and prestigious award to receive! April 16th is National Healthcare Decisions Day and David reminds everyone about the importance of advance care planning. Steve reviews Long Term Care Insurance and says having this special type of insurance is no longer an option due to the skyrocketing cost of senior care. #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting #Hospice #NationalHealthcareDecisionsDay
March 18, 2023
Listen in as host Steve Kuker has a MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT regarding his firm Senior Care Consulting! Don’t miss the fanfare at the beginning of the program for this important major announcement that will change everything! #SeniorCare #SeniorCareLive #SeniorCareConsulting